Don’t Read

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One thing that has been denigrated and demonized over the last few years is doing your own research on a topic.  This was particularly true during the COVID reign of terror.  People would become emotional and attack you if you quoted facts that did not jive with their understanding of the world.

One example of this was ivermectin.  This drug, which has a stellar safety record, was characterized as a horse medicine that no responsible human being would ingest.  This was stated despite the fact that ivermectin had been taken in Africa for decades as a preventative.  It was known as the “Sunday drug.”

Those in control of our governments want to tell you that doing your own research is bad.  As Tom Woods says sarcastically, “Don’t you know we have Smart People who do research and that you can trust them to tell you what you need to know?”

Jimmy Dore has a routine about this.  Dore may be on the left.  However, that does not mean that he is required to bow down before people like Anthony Fauci, Nancy Pelosi, et al.

Here’s Dore about COVID:

People tried to get informed about that. Other people shamed them. They would say, “Please tell me you’re not going to do your own research.” You’ve heard people say that. “Please don’t do your own research.”

You know, before Covid, doing your own research used to be called reading. Now you’re shaming me for reading at the behest of Big Pharma.

It’s like I woke up in the middle of a Bill Hicks bit: Well, looks like we got ourselves a reader. Tell me, boy, what you reading for? Don’t you know everything that needs to be readed is already been readed by a smart person?

That’s how much people internalize the propaganda from Big Pharma. They would be anti-intellectual enough to shame people for reading while they’re wagging their finger at them for doing it.

You would never shame people for trying to get informed no matter what other subject it was, no matter how unimportant.

Like if I said, “Hey, I’m going to go buy a car.”

“Don’t look into it!”

“Well, how will I know which car to get?”

“Ask the salesman. He’s the expert. What are you, Henry Ford?”

Read.  Do your own research.  Get the truth out there where everyone can see it.  The Internet gives us access to many more people than we ever thought possible.