He’s Still A Man

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Anyone with any common sense knows that transgenderism is a toxic scam that the Left is using to distract the public from the other evil things they are engaged in.  Brainwashed parents have been told to embrace their child’s fantasy that he/she is actually not the sex that his/her chromosomes say.

Let’s stop there for a moment.  A ten-year-old cannot vote.  A ten-year-old cannot buy beer.  A ten-year-old cannot have an aspirin in school without a doctor’s note.  Yet we are being sold a bill of goods that such a child is capable of making a decision that will result in the lopping off of body parts.  That such a child can decide to take puberty blockers that will stop their normal development.  This is insane.

This transgender cult is breaking children, breaking apart families, and corrupting institutions. Moreover, none of this is accidental. It is the latest front in the leftist’s one-hundred-year war against America.

Why now?  Because the cause celebre, racism, has lost its clout.  Despite Obama’s attempt to divide the country along racial lines, it has not succeeded.  And BLM trying to burn down America (along with Antifa) exposed the racism gambit for what it is.

So now they have switched to sex as the method of dividing us.  The gay rights movement was the vehicle for that.  As Andrea Widburg has stated:

I don’t know that there are any Americans who feel, at this point, that homosexuals should be subject to discrimination, harassment, arrest, or death because of their sexual orientation. But of course, the gay rights movement didn’t end there.

In the last 20 years, it demanded more and more access to children. However, every parent knows that, while no gay person should be unloved or harmed, that doesn’t mean it’s a lifestyle you want for your children.

The LGBT movement has gotten more aggressive about going after our kids.  And transgenderism is now the focal point of this battle for our children.  That transgenderism is a mental illness utterly unsupported by any valid science was a given supported by all psychiatric organizations.  That did not stop the Left from co-opting the movement and forcing it into every one of America’s institutions.  It’s in the schools, on the streets, in the movies, on TV, in workplaces, etc.

How does one fight back against this insanity?  When one uses logic and facts, the Left switches to emotional outbursts declaring one to be transphobic and worse.   This is where Babylon Bee is successful.  Using ridicule is an effective tool against this kind of insanity.

In this case the Bee uses a Disney song, from Mulan. The melody is catchy, but it’s also familiar to parents and children. Clever lyrics about the falsehood that is “transgenderism,” were added.  Also included are truly shocking videos of what’s happening in America.   This can be a powerful weapon in the war for truth.

The message being advanced by the loons on the left (that would be the Democrats) is that being a woman is mostly superficial.  It’s just lipstick, earrings, high heels, etc.  There is no more depth to women than that.  It is time to say enough.  It is time to say that you will not groom our children for a lifestyle that is not normal, that will lead to unhappiness and a greater risk of suicide.  This music video is a good step in that direction.

1 thought on “He’s Still A Man

  1. Not Dave

    Why is there a law that doesn’t allow someone to get a tattoo until they are 18? But you want to allow a chopping off of body parts? Where has common sense gone?

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