Mayorkas Called A Liar

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Liz Cheney, the former representative in the House of Representatives from Wyoming, was soundly defeated in the Republican primary in 2022 by one Harriet Hageman.  In fact the defeat was historic with a relative unknown defeating an incumbent by almost 40mpoints.

Cheney was the epitome of a Deep State operative who believed that her position was a lifetime one and that she did not need to represent the people who had been persuaded to elect her to that position.

Hageman has proven to be a true American.  She has shown time and again that she believes in America first and that our founders have given us a country that works for all people.  To say Harriet Hageman represents an upgrade to our congressional representation would be a profound understatement.

On Wednesday, Harriet Hageman dropped all pretenses and eloquently called DHS Secretary Mayorkas what he is, “a tyrant.”  Representative Hageman’s perspective on the value, importance and critical protections for the constitutional freedom of speech was eloquently argued, directly to the face of the DHS organization that seeks to define, restrict, censor and control speech.

This might be the most strongly worded statement ever from a US lawmaker.  One cannot get more forthright than that.  One commenter noted:

GOVERNMENT cannot influence, sponsor, deny, censor, threaten, chill, and manipulate freedom of speech rights. GOVERNMENT IS PROHIBITED FROM THESE ACTIONS…not citizens. Citizens have the protected right and may even with consequences express even dangerous speech. This is NOT TRUE for GOVERNMENT. The prohibition is crystal clear in our constitution and in case law. What the media and many people have confused is the slow creep of government through a myriad of associations, funding, partnerships, foundations, employment schemes, structured and organized political action committees is to establish a gray area…to carve out a space where government can conceal its agenda to control speech and to give power to some speech over other speech.

Hageman is a class act and a fighter.  We need to send more like her to Congress.