Targeting Kids

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The media is beginning to ramp up stories about a COVID surge.  Some schools have re-imposed mask mandates and, in some cases, have gone to remote learning.  Some health businesses have imposed COVID restrictions.  Joe Biden himself is in Washington wearing a mask because his wife, who is in Delaware, has contracted COVID again despite being double jabbed and double boosted.

Over the past few weeks, the U.S. has seen a slight increase in new COVID-19 hospitalizations. The CDC released new information related to the BA.2.86 variant, which it said “may be more capable of causing infection in people who have received COVID-19 vaccines.”

Of course, the CDC is still running ads trying to get people to get a “booster” shot.  Why are they doing this if getting jabbed increases your chances of contracting COVID?  Joe Biden himself went off script the other day and said we “need a vaccine that works.”

Not only would it be nice if it worked, it would also be good if it did not have so many deleterious side effects in so many people.  Those side effects appear to be excess mortality in the countries that coerced their citizens to get jabbed.  This excess mortality has not gone away.

Children, who have an infinitesimal risk from COVID, will once again be in the government’s crosshairs.  Individual states have required immunizations for attending school.  These are based on the CDC’s recommendations.  And we all know that the CDC will do whatever Big Pharma wants.

Giving the mRNA shots to kids is an increasingly bad choice.  According to a study published last week, Australian researchers reported that kids who got Pfizer’s mRNA jabs had a weakened immune response to other viruses and bacteria.

The diminished response appeared within weeks after the second Pfizer dose. Blood taken from the children produced fewer crucial signaling molecules when stimulated with several common potential bacteria and viruses.  The signaling molecules referred to here are called cytokines.  They are elicited when there is a challenge to the body’s defense systems.  They are an essential part of the immune response and are part of the body’s inflammatory response to foreign invaders.

The study showed that over time, the immune response to bacteria returned to normal. But the diminished response to viruses lasted for as long as the researchers collected data. That was at least six months.

The peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Immunology published the paper. In keeping with other papers that have reported problems the mRNA “therapy”, the authors were careful to tiptoe around the potential impacts.  Too many people who have spoken out about potential issues with the mRNA therapy have lost their jobs as a result.

In their discussion, they wrote only that the findings show “the need for further research and consideration… given their broad public health implications.”

On the anecdotal side, I have worked with the schools in several counties here for a couple of decades.  My involvement is on the sports side of the house.  Outside of the COVID year, last year saw the largest number of games cancelled/rescheduled due to teams being unable to field enough players.  This was due to sickness.  And it wasn’t COVID.  It was the flu that seemed to magically reappear on the scene.

What has been described above is a major league indictment of the public health systems in this country.  Just who is standing in for the public?  Combine the info above with the study that came out in July of significant amounts of heart damage in jabbed people.  Add the IgG4 response which treats the virus like an allergen rather than a virus.  It is clear that the allegiance of those in the public health agencies like the CDC, FDA and NIH are not with the American public.

Every day reveals another dismal element to this whole charade.  The jabs are neither safe nor effective.  My question is “Is the worst yet to come?”