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Biden is going to Israel today.  The agenda here is transparently obvious.

  • First, there is no strategic benefit to Israel from a Joe Biden visit. In fact, the opposite is true.
  • Second, notice how there was no advanced notice when Biden visited Kiev, Ukraine. Yet here, with a real backdrop of violence, a Biden visit to Israel is announced in advance.
  • Third, state visits such as these require extensive planning and security measures; the absence of which here underlines the urgency of motive.

Why the urgency to get Biden to Israel, an urgency so great that Secretary of State Blinken coerced Netanyahu into holding off on the ground invasion?  Blinken did this threatening to withhold munitions that Israel needs for re-supply.

Consider the devastating recent polls showing Biden support collapsing in every state that matters.  President Trump is crushing Joe Biden, as the American people can feel and see the terrible consequences of Obama/Biden policy.

The people behind Joe Biden are sending him to Israel as (1) part of a rebranding effort; and (2) to impede Netanyahu and buy time for Hamas.  Yes, let me repeat that.  Biden is buying time for Hamas.  To do what is anybody’s guess.

The purpose of all this is to change the news cycle.  The visit is part of a campaign of distractions to turn the public’s attention away from the disasters going on here in this country.

Does one notice the distractions in progress? In Big Media there is:

  • Nothing about the now non-existent southern border.  Of course, we hear about the borders of foreign countries America must help maintain.
  • Nothing about who and what is in this country in massive numbers let alone their intent, but let’s absorb PALESTINIAN HAMAS-Muslim Brotherhood “refugees.”
  • Nothing about the abundant evidence of Biden’s treason and corruption
  • Nothing about the debt that was in past years rolled over and refinanced at 1.5%. Now the vig rolls at 5%+.  Where is the economic analysis of this by the “smart” media economists?
  • Nothing about Ukraine corruption and the recent selling of conscription dispensations to Ukrainians who can afford it.  Could there be any graft here?
  • Nothing more about the additional 2020 election corruption this time from Michigan and well documented by several sources re GBI strategies
  • Nothing about the SPR in Oklahoma at it’s all time lowest capacity which petroleum engineers and those like Dave Walsh state the salt/storage caverns are now in danger of collapsing due to drastically reduced volumes and hence pressures
  • Nothing about depleted stocks of BASIC infantry ordnance 105mm, 155mm, 175mm artillery shells

I am not distracted.