Category Archives: Chloroquine

Excrement Hits The Rotators

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The absolute evil that has dictated the responses of world governments to the COVID illness is becoming more and more obvious by the day.  The amount of excess deaths not due to COVID are getting increasingly difficult to hide.  And the data exposing this is coming from government data bases.

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This Is Not About Health

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It is deeply frustrating to realize just how deep the brainwashing is particularly when it comes to the COVID issue.  There has been a collapse of critical thinking.  Part of this is the psychological warfare that is being waged against the American public.  Those in power will stop at nothing to maintain their grip on power.

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Australian Insanity

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There will never be zero COVID.  Without a doubt, COVID has become endemic.  Given this and given the fact that vaccines are not stopping the spread of COVID, wouldn’t make more sense to focus on effective treatments?  Apparently, this kind of logic escapes those in power in Australia and elsewhere.

While the COVID vaccines may prevent some people from getting very sick with the original virus, vaccinated people still get COVID (including its variants) and still spread COVID.  There are experts in the field who theorize that the explosion of new variants is a direct result of vaccinating while outbreaks are going on.   And evidence is emerging that suggests that the vaccinated are more vulnerable to subsequent coronaviruses (mutations).  What has become abundantly clear is that the mRNA therapy masquerading as a vaccine, does not eradicate the disease from a vaccinated population, unlike smallpox, polio, or other traditional vaccines. ... 

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Full On Hitler

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The occupant of the White House is now threatening the unvaccinated.  This is the same tactic Hitler used against the Jews in Germany that led to the Holocaust.  Australia has already implemented house arrest in some sections of that country for those who are not vaccinated.  How long before that becomes the order of the day here?

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Vaccine Immunity

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Vaccine immunity has become a hot topic, especially with the emergence of COVID strains that appear to evade the defenses supposedly provided by the spike protein “vaccines.”  Before I dive into this subject, it is probably best to discuss vaccines in general.  There are important facts about vaccines that are pertinent any discussion of immunity.

When the public thinks about vaccines, the success of inoculations against smallpox, polio and other dread diseases comes to mind.  These diseases had significant mortality rates and effective treatments were few and far between.  If one survived, there were often debilitating injuries to deal with.

The success of conquering these diseases was the result of the development of vaccines to ward off getting the illness.  Smallpox no longer exists anywhere except in a lab.  The incidence of polio has dwindled into insignificance.  Mumps, measles and rubella have largely disappeared.

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And So It Continues

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The political elite desperately need something to distract the public from the ongoing investigations and audits of the 2020 election fraud.  As I mentioned yesterday, they need a new scariant.  They need the public to focus on something other than election fraud.  The Delta variant appears to be the current scariant of choice here.  In the UK the Lambda variant is getting a lot of scary press.

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