Category Archives: Congress


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Despite the attempts of the cabal of Amazon Web Services, Google, Apple, and many other Big Tech monsters to take it down, Parler has been brought back to life.

Parler was falsely blamed as being the hub on which the Capitol Hill Riot was planned, but examination of DOJ indictments shows that Facebook and to a lesser extent Twitter were the central hubs — yet no one shut them down. Fuzzy covered the findings in Parler Vindicated: Study Finds Facebook ‘Far and Away’ Most Used Social Media By Capitol Hill Rioters.

Parler was shut down because it was viewed as a place for Trump supporters, the rest of the excuses were pretext.

Parler has moved to a new computer server farm.  The 20 million users can begin using their old app and logins Monday, Interim CEO Mark Meckler told Just the News.

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Over the years and decades, we have seen many coups take place around the world.  The most common thread that has run through most such events is the occupation of the capital city of that country by the military and the installation of various “protective” measures to protect the instigators.  These have usually included razor wire and other impediments.

Has anyone noticed Washington DC lately?  Armed troops with orders allowing deadly force patrol our nation’s capital.  Razor wire fencing surrounds the seat of government.  Their occupation of the city has now been extended to September.  Pretty soon there will be TSA-style checkpoints in different places around the city.

This is our political elite telling us they have executed a coup against the American people.

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By What Lawful Authority

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As I mentioned yesterday, the current situation with the faux impeachment has historical analogies.  Of particular note is the trial of King Charles I in England in the 17th Century by radical members of Parliament.  Oliver Cromwell was a prominent leader of Parliament who was directly engaged in the insurrection that defeated King Charles.  And it was an insurrection.

While this is a long story involving multiple years of civil war in England, in the end the dispute was about powers that Parliament had versus the powers of the King.

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The Clown Show

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Tuesday is the beginning of the Washington elites’ third bite at the apple of impeachment.  Yes, that’s right.  This is the third attempt to remove PDJT from office via the impeachment route.  What’s that you say?  PDJT is no longer in office so how can they impeach him?  In the circus that is Washington, anything is possible.  When you have a Speaker of the House who has an all-consuming hatred of PDJT, all it takes is a little pixie dust, a healthy dose of insanity and a new Army of the Potomac to protect you from everyday Americans. ... 

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Gun Control

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When the left said that they were coming for your guns, they meant it.  A massive Democratic gun-control plan would require weapon owners and their family members to undergo “psychological evaluations.”  Wrong thinking has now been entered on the Washington scene for purposes of criminalization.  Wrong thinking will result in the loss of your guns under proposed legislation.

The Democrats are working very quickly to obliterate the 1st and 2nd Amendments.  The Democrats believe they do not have to worry about blowback from the people since they think they have now mastered the art of election fraud.  No longer will the “deplorables” mess up their plans for a totalitarian state.

Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee introduced a bill that would enact the strictest gun regulations in the history of the country and give the federal government sweeping power to decide who can own a firearm.

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Rush Limbaugh on Evil

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While China Joe was sworn in as America’s 46th president on Wednesday, talk-radio star Rush Limbaugh said he believes the Democrats are fully aware the 2020 presidential election was illegitimate.  Of course, close to half the registered voters in the country believe that massive fraud took place.  But the main stream media still wants us to believe that there is “no evidence of fraud.”

Rush was careful in his choice of words as he opened his monologue.  I suppose he doesn’t want some idiot filing a defamation suit over the fraud that took place. ... 

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Democrats Are Anti-Religion

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According to lyin’ Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Democratic Party members would not be making religion into a litmus test for the Supreme Court.  For those who remember Barrett’s confirmation hearings in 2017 for a federal judgeship, the Catholic mother of seven came under fire for her Catholic faith when Democratic senators suggested that her beliefs might make her unfit to serve as a federal judge.

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The Democratic Playbook

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When they tell you what they are planning to do, believe them!  Sometimes the obvious is overlooked.  Sometimes the opposition forgets that they have moved outside their own echo chamber and they tell you just what they are thinking and planning.  Sometimes they slip up and throw a brick through your front window that gets your attention.

While I am going to talk about the Democrats here, remember the other side of the UniParty.  They do the same things from time to time.

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Civilization Or Chaos?

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Michael McHale, President of the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO), spoke at the Republican National Convention in support of the candidacy of PDJT.  McHale says the streets will be far worse under a Biden/Harris presidency.

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