Looney Tunes Or Lucifer
This woman, who finds herself in a position that she never expected to have, is either looney tunes or Lucifer himself. You be the judge.
This woman, who finds herself in a position that she never expected to have, is either looney tunes or Lucifer himself. You be the judge.
As anyone who has been following the news out of Australia knows, the suppression of basic human rights has been going on for some time. In particular, this past week the police in Melbourne have been engaging in a brutal suppression of a people right to peacefully protest. The Australian Prime Minister spoke at the UN about the need for and support for basic human rights last week. The incongruity of a speech vs reality is remarkable.
A new study that was conducted by researchers at Canada’s University of Ottawa Heart Institute found that one out of every thousand(1/1000) mRNA Covid-19 vaccinations (really gene therapy) causes heart inflammation(myopericarditis) to develop rapidly in otherwise healthy individuals. The long-term, clinical implications of this are staggering.
On May 1st, the CDC stopped reporting mild and asymptomatic COVID-19 “breakthrough” cases. Supposedly this was “to focus on identifying and investigating only hospitalized or fatal cases due to any cause. This shift will help maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance.”
Isn’t the overall effectiveness of the so-called vaccines of great clinical importance? It is curious to note that the Delta variant was just beginning to cause a surge in infections then. Wouldn’t it have been of great clinical importance to know how the vaccinated were faring against Delta?
Don Surber reports:
The Blaze reported, “A teachers union in Massachusetts claims the state’s standardized testing has ‘allowed white supremacy to flourish.’
“The Massachusetts Teachers Association wants to strip the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System as a part of graduation requirements for students.”
Dr. Tom Woods keeps on truckin’ against the idiocy that has been labeled as COVID science. On Tuesday Dr. Woods reported on the new Surgeon General of Florida.
New York City has a COVID vaccine mandate. Government officials are trying to coerce people to get jabbed. Segregation is the name of the game as they reward or punish you based on you getting something injected into your body.
This is just another tactic by Democrats to institute discrimination against black people since the vast majority are not vaccinated. Blacks do not trust the government.
Australia’s police arrested 235 people in Melbourne and 32 in Sydney on Saturday at unsanctioned anti-lockdown rallies and several police officers were injured in clashes with protesters. Protests have continued this week. The virus is endemic at this point. Treatments rather than vaccinations and lockdowns are the answer.
General Milley
The chain of command runs from the President through the Secretary of Defense. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is prohibited by law from exercising any executive authority over our military forces. His sole purpose is to advise the President on military matters.
If Bob Woodward’s reporting is accurate, (and more than a dozen witnesses have come forward), Milley’s actions with China are an unprecedented act of insubordination. Milley should be fired or court martialed immediately.
Has the countdown started? The Avatar in the White House has stated, “I have great confidence in General Milley.” That is almost always a sign that the individual is on the way out.
Now Uttar Pradesh is not a name that is on the lips of people in this country. It should become so. Anyone who has even a passing interest in stopping COVID should come to understand what happened there.