Category Archives: Election

Catholic League Stands Up

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The following is one of a number of recent events that may indicate that more and more Americans and organizations within America are beginning to rouse themselves from their slumber.  They are beginning to push back against the obvious corruption and hypocrisy going on within the elitist ranks of some of our highest profile businesses.

William Donohue, President of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, sent a letter to Robert Manfred, commissioner for Major League Baseball (MLB).  No matter what your religious affiliation is, I take my hat off to the Catholic League for this letter.  It skewers MLB’s decision to move the All Star game out of majority black Atlanta to white Denver.  This decision was due to the Georgia’s new voting law requiring a proper ID.  MLB caved to pressure from leftist extremist groups that blatantly lied about the ramifications of the law.

The letter lays out in detail the stunning hypocrisy of MLB.

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Valid IDs

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There is a lot of chaos going on about election laws and reform of such.  The left, who will cheat at every opportunity, opposes requiring an ID to vote.  The big multi-nationals support them in this effort to transform American elections.  A valid ID would make it somewhat harder for the left to commit fraud.  Let’s take a look at where valid IDs are required in this country.

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I found an interesting post over the weekend that I am sharing below.  In my opinion, more and more Americans are seeing through the disinformation campaign that is put on by the Democrats and their media allies.  Conversations that I have regularly with people has a common theme.  That is, one cannot trust anything that the media publishes.

I will refer to the author as Sylvester.

We. Don’t. Know. Anything. 

All of us are being subjected to such a blizzard of propaganda and disinformation that you nor I can make any, real assessment of what Americans really think about much of anything. ... 

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Dear Legacy Media:  You Are Right To Be Afraid

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Hrand Tookman over at LBA has written a piece about the media.  In it Tookman calls out the absolute evil of those who work within the “woke supremacy” of most media outlets.

What if you’re not “the cool kids?”

I know you think you are.

But have you ever considered that you might not be?

That you might actually be the douchebags?

Seriously. Your bubble is so airtight and you’re all so bought-in. How would you even know it if, in fact, there were people much cooler than you with much cooler ideas who were set to accomplish much cooler things?

You don’t listen. You don’t investigate. You sure as hell don’t care.

You only propagandize, and only in promotion of the America-hating, often racist and increasingly fascist left.

And what if, despite your best efforts, that’s exactly how history records it?

Few people today really know that Democrats, academia, Hollywood, corporate America and the legacy news media all used “science” to justify their Nazi-era support for eugenics. It was only after the Nazis lost that your “liberal” ancestors buried all traces of their genocidal celebration.

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Week One – Derek Chauvin Trial

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There has been a trial going on in Minnesota for some time.  Police officer Derek Chauvin is on trial for trying to save George Floyd’s life.  I am sure that everyone remembers the videos and the rioting that went on last year over his death from a drug overdose.

The State of Minnesota has put him on trial for murder.  Jury selection took forever.  Finally, some two weeks ago, we entered the actual trial phase.  The State has been attempting to present a case against Chauvin for having committed murder or at least manslaughter.  Keep in mind that there are three other officers awaiting trial as well.  An acquittal of Chauvin would almost certainly mean the end to any chance of convicting the other officers of anything.

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The persecution of police Officer Derek Chauvin for trying to save George Floyd’s life is underway.  The prosecution has been trying to eleven days to present their case for murder.  I will have some info on the trial as soon as the prosecution rests their case-in-chief .

In the mean time, this hits the nail right on its head about Kneeling…..

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Questions For The Avatar In The White House

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Below are some questions that true reporters should be asking the White House press secretary Jen Psaki.  Of course, it is highly unlikely that any such questions will ever be asked by the lame stream media.

Question #1 – Regarding the changes to Georgia’s election laws, Atlanta’s main newspaper, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, claims, “However, the law made some changes to early voting. But experts say the net effect was to expand the opportunities to vote for most Georgians, not limit them.” Understanding this, will President Biden immediately ask Major League Baseball (MLB) to reverse its decision regarding the All Star game? And will he also publicly apologize to the people of Atlanta, to the people of Georgia for pushing economic boycott/sanctions on their state?  Will he publicly apologize for calling these changes to Georgia’s election laws “Jim Crow on steroids?”

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Go Woke, Go Broke

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The President of the United States decided to punish the citizens of one state because their legislature passed mild election reforms which were small steps towards ensuring free and fair elections.  Despite press secretary Psaki’s claims otherwise, the Avatar in the White House came out strongly in support of removing the MLB All Star game from Atlanta.

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Is War Coming?

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One of the hallmarks of the Trump presidency was his economic approach to foreign policy.  While he believed in a strong America militarily, PDJT also believed that using common economic interests as a lever helped way more people. PDJT was helping more people out of poverty than any single person in history.  The result of his approach was no new wars during his presidency.  The contrast with his predecessor who started seven wars in eight years was striking.  A lot fewer body bags were being filled with young Americans during the Trump presidency.

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Orwellian Ideas

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Dr. Tom Woods continues to be a great source for COVID-related stories.  Every time the Left gets too far out over their skis, he is there to expose them and their allies in the media.  Below is another such post from Dr. Woods.

The Orwellian proposals keep piling up, and Ron DeSantis continues to be a hero.

When Joe Biden hinted weeks ago at the possibility of further lockdowns, DeSantis spoke to the press and said that that would absolutely not be happening in Florida.

When it sounded as if Biden might restrict travel to Florida, DeSantis pledged to resist.

Oh, and by the way: the anti-Florida ghouls are reduced to claiming that DeSantis must be suppressing Florida’s true numbers.

Ha, yeah, that’s plausible! So this theory is that the hospitals in Florida are actually bursting at the seams with COVID patients, but we can’t know that because the official numbers aren’t reliable?

I see. So every single hospital is in on the grand conspiracy, too? Not even one bit of anecdotal evidence of hospital overflow has managed to escape a single hospital?

It’s almost sad what the Doomers are reduced to.

In a way it’s encouraging, though: these people cannot explain Florida’s numbers without dreaming up wild conspiracies. That means they’re implicitly admitting that Florida’s numbers are great. Otherwise they wouldn’t need to be explained away.

Well, now DeSantis is resisting vaccine passports — the Orwellian idea proposed by whoever is running Joe Biden — as well.

“It’s completely unacceptable,” he said. “You want to go to a movie theater, should you have to show that? No. You want to go to a game, [or] a theme park? No. So we’re not supportive of that.”

He is pledging to take executive action, as early as today.

As Jeff Deist put it, “No private business or industry would require vaccine passports without state sanction and a strong assist from lapdog media to overcome the terrible PR optics. It’s a sick and crazy idea.”

Meanwhile, check out media coverage of Florida. The New York Times just ran an article about rising “cases” in one of the four states in this chart. Which one do you suppose it was?

(Dark blue is New York, light blue is New Jersey, green is Michigan, and pink is Florida.)

(Source: Financial Times analysis of data from the Johns Hopkins CSSE.)

Yes, they looked at those lines and decided to write an article about Florida’s “rising cases.”

Meanwhile, back on this planet, here’s a comparison they won’t make (but thanks to @yinonw on Twitter for making it):

Now which governor is facing a recall vote due to his absolutely inept handling of the COVID scam?  Hint:  It’s not the one where the state unemployment rate is 4.7%.  Of course, you will not hear this from the NYTimes or WaPo.  The prospect of a recall election does not fit with their narrative of how good a job the blue state governors have been doing. ... 

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