Category Archives: Election

Things That Run Through An Idle Mind

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Was it just a coincidence that Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed and sworn in as the ninth justice on Hillary Clinton’s birthday?

On Hillary’s 73rd birthday in prime time, PDJT presided over the inauguration of Amy Coney Barrett as the ninth justice on the Supreme Court. To make the moment perfect, he had Justice Clarence Thomas swear her in.  Was this the ultimate finger in the eye to Hillary?

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Worshipping At The Altar Of Power

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This is the kind of America we can look forward to with dread if the Harris-Biden ticket wins the White House.  David Daleiden exposed the horrors of Planned Parenthood’s illicit dealings in baby parts from the murder of unborn babies also known as abortions.  Because Daleiden did this, he was targeted by Kamala Harris and Planned Parenthood for prosecution for exposing the truth.

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The Sleeping Giant Has Awakened

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I will start this article by saying that I have never seen anything like this in my 70+ years on this planet.  Rallies, parades, caravans, motorcades, flotillas are happening all over the place on any given day.  Some of these are campaign events.  For these, attendance is off the charts. One recent example was a campaign event held in Gastonia, NC.

Gastonia is a city of some 70,000+ and is the county seat of Gaston County.  Last Wednesday, PDJT held a peaceful protest rally at the local airport.  Initial estimates anticipated an attendance of 10K-15K.  This is more than 200 to 300 times the number of people showing up at Biden rallies.  In the end more than 23,000 made it to the rally.

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Breaking News

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The Trump administration has just announced another Middle East breakthrough. Sudan and Israel will normalize ties. This is the third Arab nation to do so as a result of Trump’s efforts, in addition to the United Arab Emirate and Bahrain.

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#WalkAway Video!

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This young lady talks about how she came to realize just what the Democratic Party has become.  She includes this in the depth of her reasons for walking away from them.  This was an intellectual journey that helped her leap the chasm between the Left’s narrative and reality.

I have included her own notes that she posted after the video went viral.  I certainly understand the process that she went through to arrive at where she is today.  The video is lengthy (47 minutes).

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