Category Archives: Election

Not A One-Off

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There are some people who are not completely brainwashed about what happened to Michael Flynn.  However, they want to believe that the Flynn case was unique.  They reluctantly admit that there seems to have been some corrupt activity going on in connection with this case.  However, they attribute this to personal animosity toward Flynn.  Such animosity overcame professional judgment.  They may even partially blame Flynn because he was opposed to President Obama’s foreign policies.  They admit it should never have happened but this was an unusual situation and does not reflect the normal course of business for these people.

Now I understand the desire to believe that this kind of corruption does not exist in our government as a normal course of business.  However, this was no one-time affair.  The following interview with Kathleen “K. T.” McFarland on Thursday should disabuse these people of this belief.

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Why Now?

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For more than a month the Tara Reade accusations against Joe Biden have been out.  Up to last Thursday the MSM had spent almost no time at all covering the story.  Not a single reporter had asked a question of Joe Biden about the accusations during that period of time.

This is the exact opposite of what would have happened if a Republican had been accused.  The media would have been consumed with trying to force the resignation of such an individual without ever trying to find out if there was any substance to the story.  Witness the Brett Kavanaugh witch hunt.

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Bloomberg Buying The DNC

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Federal Election Commission (FEC) records show that more than 50% of the $32.7 million raised by the DNC in March came from Michael Bloomberg.  Specifically $18 million came from Bloomberg.

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Univision Blasts Biden

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Joe Biden is having a bad week.  First, Biden nods off while Hillary Clinton was extolling his virtues as a candidate for President of the United States.  Then Univision hammered Biden over the sexual assault allegations of Tara Reade.

Univision is the leading Spanish-language media outlet in America.  Univision has a huge following.

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The silent majority is becoming decidedly less silent.  As draconian lockdown orders have spread throughout the country, the level of frustration has gone up with most Americans who were fine with voluntary compliance with the CDC guidelines.

While the MSM initially attempted to downplay the protests as a fringe movement by a few “right wing idiots,” the reality is that thousands and thousands of people are no longer going to sit by and allow politicians to dictate what they can and cannot do.  Beginning with the drive-by protests by people in their cars in Lansing, Michigan, pushback against the various state lockdown orders has now spread to 18 states.  Another seven states have rallies scheduled this coming week including Missouri, Pennsylvania and Maine.

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Conspiracy Hints!

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In what is clearly a shot across the bow of those who conspired to overthrow the President, AG Barr announced on Thursday on Laura Ingraham’s show that the Russia investigation that shadowed President Donald Trump for the first two years of his administration was started without any basis and amounted to an effort to “sabotage the presidency.”

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Elder Abuse

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The Democrats are guilty of elder abuse in propping up Joe Biden.  Yesterday Biden referred to the city of Wuhan as Luhan province.  Today Biden wants PDJT to establish a coronavirus task force with someone in charge.

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Is Pelosi Losing It?

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Over the past ten months or so, there has been a lot of attention paid to Joe Biden and his “gaffes.”  Of course, while Joe Biden has had his share of gaffes in the past, these were of a different variety.  Many of his current crop have been signs of a declining cognitive function.  They appear to be clear signs of early stage dementia.

There have been many indicators.  These have ranged from not knowing what day of the week it is, to what state he is in, to what office he is running for.  Biden has also erupted into bouts of anger when asked questions he doesn’t like.  Biden is also unable to finish thoughts that he starts articulating particularly when he is not in front of a teleprompter.

Because of these exhibitions of cognitive deficiency, much attention has been focused on protecting him in the media.  His public appearances have been reduced to limit his exposure.  The DNC has been trying to get Bernie Sanders to give up the fight for the nomination so that they can focus on rebuilding Biden’s image.  So far Sanders has been unwilling to do that.  Perhaps he is hoping that Biden’s cognitive weaknesses will be exposed enough that the DNC will be forced to turn elsewhere for a candidate.

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