Category Archives: Liberty

A Most Humiliating Defeat

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Is it time for Nikki Haley to pack up her campaign baggage and retire to the cocktail party circuit?  After what happened in Nevada, Haley should be wishing she had never listened to the billionaires who wooed her and financed her to run.

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Battle Won

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After months of continental mobilization, all signs indicate that farmers have achieved a major victory against the European Union and its failed, crippling ‘green’ policies and regulations.

The MSM tried to characterize the protests as being about ‘subsidies’ and ‘protection against products from lesser regulated countries’ – but a core demand that united all nationalities was the stark rejection of the ‘Global warming’ climate alarmism, and the policies and regulations derived from it.

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Life In Russia

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What is life in Russia like?  How do people there view their government?  How do Russians view the rest of the world?  What is the Russian people’s take on the SMO going on in Ukraine?

The fact is that few people in the West have any idea what the answers to these questions might be.  Why? Because Big Media in the West is the propaganda arm of western governments.  Tucker Carlson has traveled to Russia to do what journalists used to do.  Get the true story on the ground.

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Ukraine Money

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Ukraine is one of the most corrupt nations on the planet.  This was true long before Zelenskyy came into office in Ukraine.  It has not changed since then.  The Trump impeachment over Ukraine exposed this for the general public to see.  There has been little to no accounting of USAID money that has passed through our embassy there.

Knowledge of Ukrainian corruption by the public is creating reluctance on the part of many Republican Senators to vote additional funds for Ukraine.  They do not want to be linked to money laundering operations.  They also do not want exposed the connections between multinational corporations, military contractors and Blackrock and themselves.  This is placing the Ukraine funding bill in serious jeopardy.

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EU Farmer Protests

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The farmer and trucker protests that started in Germany and then spread to Poland and Romania, are now engulfing France, Belgium and the Netherlands.  Of course, we are not hearing much about this in America because Big Media does not want to see such protests get ignited here.

This has been going on for multiple weeks at this point in time.  And the protesters do not appear to be wavering despite attempts by different governments to mollify the protesters with promises.

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A Few Thoughts on DeSantis

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File this for future reference.

Sundance over at CTH has published an analysis of the DeSantis operation that is thought provoking.  Essentially Sundance is saying that DeSantis’ run for President was planned out a long time ago.  And it was the people who do not represent the American public, who kowtow to globalist masters, who need to be removed from our government, who were behind it.  And it was planned to destroy the MAGA movement, to put the proles back in their place.

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Losing A Democracy

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Has America ever had a Vice President who is as clueless, tone deaf and ignorant as the one currently occupying the office?  Kamala Harris sat down for a one-on-one interview with Katie Couric to discuss Joe Biden, Donald Trump and the 2024 election.  The results were off the scale for the irony that is displayed.

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Beating Davos

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A friendly commenter provides us with an outline of how we will overcome those who would enslave us.

Slowly the world of workers is waking up. There is a worldwide community growing. There is a knowledge of God built in our DNA, in our spirits, because he is our Creator. Even among those who think they do not know God. There is a recognition of right and fair — especially at the face-to-face level.

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Global Warming Items

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“Talk about a turnaround or reversal of fortunes! North American #snow cover goes from record low to decadal highs in just a couple of weeks, thanks to the vagaries and whims of the #PolarVortex,” Judah Cohen, Director of Seasonal Forecasting at Verisk’s Atmospheric and Environmental Research, wrote in an X post.

This happens in the midst of various Davos attendees opining on the need for control over the public so that “climate change” objectives can be met.

When will these people switch over to global cooling being the problem? ... 

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