Category Archives: Media Bias

Trump Was Right

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The Big Lie continues.  Last week, in his “leaked” phone call, former President Obama tried to get a narrative rolling that PDJT’s approach to the situation in NY regarding the virus had been “an absolute chaotic disaster.”  As we have been seeing from Democrats and their co-conspirators in the media, the use of a flat-out lie is becoming more and more commonplace.

Let’s take a look at just a few of the many decisions and insights that PDJT has made that were both intelligent and smart.

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Are The Media Co-Conspirators?

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The Big Lie continues.  Again the media is caught presenting as “news” something that is the opposite of what actually took place.  Last Thursday AG Bill Barr was interviewed by CBS News’ Catherine Herridge regarding the dropping of the case against LTG Michael Flynn.

On Sunday NBC News’ Chuck Todd aired a piece of that interview on the ‘Meet The Press’ broadcast.  In order to make his political points, Todd left out key comments from the interview, remarks that destroy the very argument Todd tried to make against Barr.

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Lunacy Abounds

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The Democrats are clearly in panic mode right now.  On Sunday morning, former Watergate prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks joined “the Big Lie” movement when she stated unequivocally that the move by the DOJ to drop the Flynn case was “a clear cover-up.”  This occurred on MSNBC’s AM Joy program.  According to Wine-Banks, because Flynn was facing jail time, Flynn might have had more to offer about Russian involvement in the Trump Administration.  Therefore, Barr had to intervene in order to prevent Flynn from doing so.

What alternate reality is this woman living in?  None of the other three panelists nor the moderator disagreed.  Many were nodding their heads.  This is what stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome looks like.

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The General Flynn case has often been glacial in its progress in court.  There have been long periods where there has been little or no movement.  However, now it is like a spring thaw.  Things are beginning to move very quickly.

Webster’s defines predatory as “of, relating to, or practicing plunder, pillage, or rapine” and “inclined or intended to injure or exploit others for personal gain or profit.”  Without a doubt the actions of those at the highest levels of the Obama administration who attempted to frame General Flynn can be described as predatory.

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Fake News…Again

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On Thursday the media reported that PDJT had suggested the possibility of “injecting” disinfectant into a person to treat COVID-19.  The media immediately went into attack mode to smear the President.  Calling PDJT “irresponsible” to suggest such a treatment was one of the milder comments.  They also lied when they said that the President has repeatedly tried to get the public to try “unproven” treatments.

Dr. Vin Gupta, a pulmonologist, global health policy expert and an NBC News and MSNBC contributor said,

“This notion of injecting or ingesting any type of cleansing product into the body is irresponsible and it’s dangerous.  It’s a common method that people utilize when they want to kill themselves.”

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The silent majority is becoming decidedly less silent.  As draconian lockdown orders have spread throughout the country, the level of frustration has gone up with most Americans who were fine with voluntary compliance with the CDC guidelines.

While the MSM initially attempted to downplay the protests as a fringe movement by a few “right wing idiots,” the reality is that thousands and thousands of people are no longer going to sit by and allow politicians to dictate what they can and cannot do.  Beginning with the drive-by protests by people in their cars in Lansing, Michigan, pushback against the various state lockdown orders has now spread to 18 states.  Another seven states have rallies scheduled this coming week including Missouri, Pennsylvania and Maine.

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Blatant Lies

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The entire Russian collusion debacle was played out to the max even though every person in the media, every Democratic politician and even Robert Mueller knew there was no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. This has now been attested to by AG Bill Barr last week, who said that the initiation of the investigation known as Crossfire Hurricane was “without any basis.”  But the lie was carried forward for over two years.  The absolute derangement of those on the left is unprecedented.

This derangement was visible with the subsequent faux impeachment over a legitimate investigation into the money laundering that was going on in Ukraine.  Ukraine is another example of how there is one set of laws for those elite members of the Left while there is a different set of laws for the common people.

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Racism Fake News

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One of the big-time mantras for the Democratic party and their friends in the media’s using the race card.  They believe the race card will blunt any strong, logical argument against some policy favored by the Democrats to keep minorities down on the plantation.  One only has to look at our inner cities that have been run by Democrats for decades to see this.  The Democrats have been hugely successful in fooling the people for more than 50 years.

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