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Posts connected with President Trump

Odds & Ends

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NYT reported, “Pfizer Shot Is Far Less Effective in 5- to 11-Year-Olds Than in Older Kids, New Data Show

“While protection against hospitalization is still strong, the vaccine offered almost no protection against infection, even just a month after full vaccination.”

Why are we jabbing healthy kids who appear to be in no danger of serious illness from COVID?   How many kids will be seriously injured or die from the jab?

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State of the Union

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Tonight the mindless inhabitant of the White House will give a State of the Union address.  Undoubtedly the Ukraine situation will be part of such an address. Also certain is the fact that COVID will be included.  I believe that the Democrats will attempt to declare victory over this scourge of mankind.

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Are The Truckers Winning?…Updated

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Yesterday I talked about a big rig blockade.  The border crossing between Couts, Alberta, Canada and Sweet Grass, Montana in the US has been closed for some time.  It was closed by truckers supporting the Freedom Convoy currently occupying Ottawa.  They formed a blockade and would not allow traffic to flow in either direction.

Alberta’s Premier Jason Kenney, a Conservative in name only (CINO), first disparaged and denigrated the truckers.  Then there was an uprising in the Conservative Party.  Erin O’Toole who was the leader of the Conservatives, was ousted from his position.  Why?  Because he refused to listen to the people.  O’Toole was content to powder his nose and pay homage to the elites who run the government in Canada.  He refused to acknowledge that the basic freedoms of Canadians were being eroded. ... 

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OSHA Mandate Stopped

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The US Supreme Court struck down the OSHA vaccine mandate for businesses with more than 100 employees.  The vote was 6-3 with the three dissenting justices being of the woke progressive variety who believe that the government should be allowed to suppress liberty whenever it suits their needs.

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Odds & Ends

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The mindless wonder inhabiting the White House met with Pope Francis at the Vatican on Friday.  A scheduled live broadcast of the meeting was abruptly cancelled at the last minute.  So the head of the Catholic Church (he was duly elected) and the illegitimate head of the free world met in private for 75 minutes.

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