Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump


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The following is a presentation of facts that begins to expose the attempt by multiple layers of government, both legislative and executive, to oust a sitting President of the United States.  The information contained herein has been shared with the DOJ and multiple media outlets.

This is just the beginning of the Big Ugly.  There is much more information to come.

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Election Polling

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This will not be what you thought it would be when you saw the title.  It’s not that election polling especially by organizations like CNN, MSNBC, etc., wouldn’t be a great topic to dissect.  Hours could be spent on how the fake news media run their polls to get the results that they want.

This is about a different kind of poll.  It may very well indicate how voters might feel about what has been happening in the country.

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You’re Selfish!

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We just passed 150 of “15 days to flatten the curve.”

The following is an article by Dr. Tom Woods.  In it he explores some of the nuances of the Democrats trying to shame people, especially young people, into giving up all the good things in life maybe forever.

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Trump In Yuma

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PDJT traveled to Yuma, Arizona and spoke to the rally in 112-degree heat.  The heat did not slow PDJT one bit despite the fact that he was in a full suit.  Meanwhile Joe Biden continues to hide out in his basement.

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NYPD Endorses PDJT

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One of my more favorite police forces, the NYPD, has come out in support of PDJT for re-election.  Specifically the New York City Police Benevolent Association (NYCPBA) has done so.  NYCPBA is the largest police union representing NYPD officers.  24,000 of the department’s 36,000 police officers are members.

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Democrats Are Anti-Science

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At a press conference last week, PDJT announced that Dr. Scott Atlas is joining the Covid Task Force.  It would be hard to overstate how good this news is, particularly in view of how embarrassingly wrong that Dr. Fauci, head of the NIH, has been.

Dr. Atlas currently serves as the Robert Wesson Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, a conservative policy think tank.  From 1998 to 2012, he was Professor and Chief of Neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center.

In health policy work at Stanford’s Hoover Institution, Atlas has been a leading researcher in health care systems. Atlas’s research interests are domestic and global health care policy, particularly the role of government and the free market in pricing, quality, access, and technology innovation.

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Are The Walls Closing In?

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By now many people who follow the ongoing saga of the Russian collusion hoax know that former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith has agreed to a plea deal.  Despite the smokescreens put up by various MSM outlets, Clinesmith knows he is caught and has decided to be first to admit his guilt.  The nature of the current charge against him strongly hints that he has much to offer the prosecutors.  How many others will be caught in this web of deceit, lies and quite possibly seditious conduct?

One person who seems especially nervous is Andrew Weissman.  Although not the titular head of the Special Counsel’s staff, it is widely known that Weissman was running the day-to-day activities of the Mueller Witch Hunt.

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So It Begins

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In the first of what is expected to be multiple indictments involved with the attempted coup against the Trump Presidency, Kevin Clinesmith plans to plead guilty to making false statements on an official government document with regard to the final Carter Page FISA renewal.

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Comrades Biden & Harris At Work

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The newly-minted pair heading up the Democratic Party ticket have gone into full communist mode.  On Thursday they made a joint appearance calling for a nationwide mask mandate.

According to Biden,

“Every single American should be wearing a mask when they’re outside for the next three months at a minimum. Every governor should mandate mandatory mask-wearing.”

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COVID-19 Madness    

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The Democrats with the help of their media allies have been successful in perpetrating a hysteria about COVID-19.  Most recently this has resulted in the announcement by the PAC-12 that they are cancelling their conference’s college football season.  Of course, all but two of the schools in the conference are in states ruled by Democratic dictators like California’s Gavin Newsome.  Newsome has gone so far as to say that there will be no return to normal until a vaccine is developed to eradicate the illness.  Apparently his intent is to inflict as much misery on their residents as possible in hopes of defeating PDJT in November.

There will be never be a vaccine that meets Newsome’s requirements so I guess California colleges can forget about ever again having sports.  Right now multiple studies have indicated that as many as 11 strains of the illness are floating around the world.  Mutation of the virus is a given and will continue.  The most one can expect is something like the flu shot that may or may not protect you from the strain that happens to get going in your area.

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