Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Leftist Insanity

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The absolute insanity of the Covington Catholic High School debacle continues.  For those with short memories, the media out and out lied about the Lincoln Memorial incident. A Catholic high school group, who were waiting for their bus after attending the annual March for Life, was the targets of two groups of leftist racists.  These racists insulted them with all kinds of despicable slurs. This went on for over an hour.  The kids responded with good-natured school-spirit chants, attempting to drown out the belligerent taunts. They didn’t respond with insults or any physical aggression of their own. They would have made Martin Luther King, Jr. proud by how they conducted themselves.  When the busses arrived, they departed.  We know what the media reported. ... 

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Hoping For A Long Gov’t Shutdown

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The government shutdown continues.  I, for one, hope that it continues for a long time.  A few years back, Washington was shut down for a week due to a blizzard.  Nobody noticed.  Not that I wish difficulties for those not receiving a paycheck.  I certainly empathize with those families who must make difficult financial decisions. Rather a long shutdown would demonstrate what services we really need from the Federal Government and what we do not need.  It would show everyone just how bloated the government is.  I wonder if the left realizes what might happen if the shutdown lasts a long time. ... 

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The People’s President

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PDJT welcomed the NCAA National Champion Clemson Tigers to the White House Sunday night.  Of course , there is a government shutdown going on so the issue of food was problematic. Back in 2010 when Alabama won, no food was served despite the White House maitre d’ standing in the doorway to the State Dining Room.

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The Wall Address

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On Tuesday evening PDJT went before the American public to make his case for the building of a border wall.  Of course, getting airtime was not a guarantee.  Most of the networks would rather do something else than provide PDJT with time to make his case.  However, the MSM could not afford to have all the analysis coming from Fox News.  So the networks caved and broadcasted his address.

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The Wall

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The border wall has been in the news a lot lately since the Democrats refuse to allocate a single penny to protecting our southern border.  As a result, there has been a partial shutdown of the Federal Government, not that anybody has noticed except those who are now without paychecks.

There has been a lot of smoke generated about this issue.  The Dems will parade some illegal alien who just finished college as proof we should have open borders.  Of course this is a far cry from just a decade ago when the Dems were all in for protecting the border. ... 

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Throughout the election campaign the Democrats downplayed the “I” word, that is, impeachment. They knew from their polling that talking about impeachment would hurt their chances in the mid-term elections.

They also whined about the lack of civility in Washington claiming that only returning Democrats to power would restore civility.  How’s that working out now that the Democrats control the House?

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Normalizing Political Violence

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As has been pointed out before, the left wants the American people to accept political violence as normal.  Hatred and calls for violence from left wing activists are now so routine that few prominent people bother to condemn them.

Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi have constantly been urging their supporters to confront those who do not agree with their Marxist philosophy, to get in their faces in public, to harass them in restaurants, at department stores, at gas stations.  Waters even extended this to harassing people in their homes.  The goal is to silence those who disagree with them.

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NBC Reporter Breaks From The Party Line

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NBC & MSNBC News veteran correspondent William Arkin announced his resignation effective Friday over what he described as “Trump circus” reporting that is increasingly favored over real journalism.

Arkin is no supporter of PDJT.  However, he said part of his reason for leaving was the network’s obsession with opposing the president at every turn.  In particular, Arkin, who is anti-war, notes that the MSM automatically oppose any and all peace initiatives coming from PDJT.  He indicates that the MSM have become little more than mouthpieces for the warfare state. ... 

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