Category Archives: Police Shooting


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If one lives in a leftist bubble, one has to do a lot of pretending not to know things.  This was evident again Sunday on The Powerhouse Roundtable hosted by George Stephanopoulos.  The panel was amazed that polling is showing PDJT widening his lead over his primary opponents.  In addition, he is now polling ahead of Joe Biden with a diverse group of Americans.

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State of the Union Clown Show

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You can only lie to the people so many times before they tune you out.  Tuesday’s State of the Union (SOTU) fabrication put forth by Joe Biden was watched by less than 29 million people.   This represents a 29% drop from last year.  Keep in mind that the address was given in prime time and all the major networks and major cable news channels carried it.

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Move Over Marines

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One of the enduring stories of the last two decades is the slow but steady build-up of federal employees who carry guns as part of their regular daily routines.  Obama tried to accelerate that increase in number during his first term when he placed 80,000 federal “constables” into his first budget request.  That was not approved.

However, the idea here is to create a “national police force” that is answerable to and under the control of the federal government.  Local accountability and control of law enforcement would be eroded and eventually vanish.  This idea continues to be pursued by those in Washington who want the ability direct law enforcement from Washington.

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The images coming out of NYC on Friday were simply incredible.

I lived in the NYC metro area for many years.  There have been many deaths of police officers in the NYPD over the years. There was always a good turnout of officers paying their last respects when an officer was killed in the line of duty.  In many cases, officers from neighboring communities in the NYC metro area would show up as well.  However, I have never seen a turnout like what took place on Friday.

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Speeches vs Reality

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As anyone who has been following the news out of Australia knows, the suppression of basic human rights has been going on for some time.  In particular, this past week the police in Melbourne have been engaging in a brutal suppression of a people right to peacefully protest.  The Australian Prime Minister spoke at the UN about the need for and support for basic human rights last week. The incongruity of a speech vs reality is remarkable.

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Who Killed Ashli Babbitt?

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It is more than four months since Ashli Babbitt was killed by a Capitol police officer.  It is unconscionable that, to this date, there are NO PUBLIC RECORDS that have identified just who that officer is/was.  We have heard that the DOJ determined that the shooting was justified.  According to the media narrative, the officer was protecting Congress from a lethal threat.  But we have not heard who the officer is/was.  I say is/was because there is evidence to suggest that the officer who shot Babbitt committed suicide the next day.

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The Rise of Naziism

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Several times over the past year I have mentioned the striking parallels between the activities of the Democratic Party since Obama was elected and the rise of the Nazis in Germany during the 1920’s and 1930’s.  These parallels are being noticed by more people.  Steve McCann has produced two excellent columns over at American Thinker on this subject.  I will be borrowing from his efforts here.

There is little doubt about the Nazi tactics being used by the left to fundamentally transform America from a constitutional republic into a socialist/communist state with one-party, totalitarian rule.  The Democrats continue to try to exploit fears of “systemic racism” and “white supremacy” to advance their agenda of controlling the public just as the Nazis did almost a century ago.  Witness the barbed wire enclosure of the Capitol in the face of a supposed imminent threat to the constitutional order of the country.  Witness the charges of “insurrection” against people who peacefully protested the stealing of the 2020 election.

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Fake News

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As noted yesterday, we are faced with an unprecedented assault on our liberties and freedoms.  And the MSM are leading the charge.  And they are not going to stop.  They put words in people’s mouths to condemn them.  They invent narratives to meet their needs.  The current “reporting” on January 6th is a theatrical production designed to oust the President and his followers, to shame people who have done nothing wrong and to end the American republic.

Marty Owen has published a piece over at that I will excerpt here.  The basic tenet that Owen makes is that one needs to use reason and common sense when evaluating the narratives put forward by the lame-stream media.

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