Did Biden’s Handlers Bait Putin Into A War?

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Let’s always keep in mind that the media (both Russian State media and western Big Media) will create narratives favorable to their owners.  Putin is the owner in Russia.  The Deep State is the owner here in America.

With that as a backdrop, Ukraine President Zelenskyy did an interview on CNN recently.  Zelenskyy has his own agenda and it is not quite clear to me just what it is.  Is he a puppet of the West who may not have realized just what a horrendous path he was being led down?  Is he a pawn who is and will be paid handsomely for his role in creating this war?

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March Madness

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The annual event is underway.  On Thursday a cheerleader from Indiana University became a “One Shining Moment” participant.

Thursday’s first-round game between No. 5 Saint Mary’s and No. 12 Indiana, won 82-53 by the Gaels, was delayed in the second half when the ball became stuck on top of the backboard at the Moda Center in Portland.

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It has become apparent that George Orwell’s 1984 is here.  Full scale censorship of all news and information that is contrary to the interests of our corrupt leaders is upon us.  They no longer attempt to hide this.  YouTube has taken the next step in this process by trying to control news about the Ukraine conflict.  Dr. Tom Woods has produced a post on this.

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When the Left talks about someone who is not in their tribe doing something that is nefarious and underhanded, one can almost always assume that the Left is already doing the same thing.  It’s called projection and it is something that Democrats are masters of.

On Tuesday Nancy Pelosi came out and identified what Putin’s strategy is in Ukraine.  According to her, the Russian president is trying to bait her into attacking his forces in Ukraine so that he can start World War III against her.

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Embalmers Alarmed

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VAERS has been the source of a mountain of data showing adverse reactions to the COVID-19 jabs.  The events recorded in VAERS are generally those that occur within a relatively short time frame after “vaccination.”  Now, a veteran embalmer is reporting that he and many colleagues in the industry have been noticing strange blood clots in most of their cases.  In the longer term, is excess mortality going to be the defining characteristic of the mRNA jabs that were purported to be vaccines?

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Big Media constantly bombards us with stories about how awful our law enforcement personnel are in this country.  This is a different story.  Where is Big Media on this story?

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Forget COVID

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They want you to forget all about the hoax that they perpetrated on the world.  The only solution to the “pandemic” was to be a vaccine.  They suppressed news about effective treatments and people died.  Many people died.  Now the 55,000 pages of documents produced from Pfizer via a court order are showing many more problems with the vaccine approach.  And Pfizer apparently knew about these issues.

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Poland Outfoxes Blinken And Biden

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Last weekend, U.S Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said Poland was in preparations to send their MIG fighter planes to Ukraine, and the US would be replacing them.   This was surprising to say the least.  Poland is a member of NATO.  This whole confrontation got running because Biden said Ukraine would be welcomed into NATO.  This was contrary to agreements signed back in the early 1990’s that NATO would not expand eastward.

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