Greetings, Comrades

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Comrades, let it not be said that the US DOJ ministry is not on guard to protect you from nefarious elements within rebellious sections of our great country.  On Friday, the DOJ ministry moved to quash a rebellion within the glorious State of Georgia.  All citizens should be thankful that the DOJ ministry is on the job working to protect them.  [DOJ Announcement Here]

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Political Scariants

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The rich and powerful are desperately trying to cling to COVID-19 as a method to control the population.  The latest attempt to do so revolves around the so-called Delta variant.  It appears the Delta variant has become the variant of choice.  It seems to be dominating the number of new infections in many areas of the world.  Is it any more dangerous than the original virus?

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California Reveals Vaccine Passport System

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California has launched a COVID-19 vaccine verification system that provides digital replicas of the wallet-size paper cards issued by the CDC.  The state says that the digital system will make it easier for residents to supply proof of immunization if needed.  This sounds a lot like NY State’s Excelsior Pass.  But it is not a vaccine passport according to the state.

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Blood On His Hands

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Does Dr. Fauci have blood on his hands?  Yesterday I talked about the infiltration of our government by people who have only one thing in mind and that is self-enrichment through overseeing policy, manipulating such policy and trading on the knowledge gained therein.

Today, I will take a closer look at the absolutely corrupt actions that led to the deaths of thousands of people.  And sadly, that scrutiny starts with Dr. Fauci.  I say sadly because Dr. Fauci’s high school education was at one of the best private high schools in the country.  The school’s mission is encapsulated in the motto “Men for Others.”  It is about transforming Catholic young men into generous leaders with a passion for service.  Dr. Fauci appears to have forgotten all of the lessons imparted during his time there.

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There Are Trillions At Stake

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The title is a catch phrase often used by Sundance over at CTH regarding activities in Washington that do not align with the best interests of everyday Americans.  On Sunday Sundance published an excellent article that connects the dots to the massive influence wielded by certain people.   Such influence is used to control what this country does and through that the world.  And it is no exaggeration.  There are trillions at stake.

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What is the FBI’s Involvement in the Capitol Building Break-in?

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Hundreds of people who walked through the Capitol Building on January 6th remain in custody unable to obtain bail within our legal system.  Why?  The claim is that they were involved in a conspiracy to overthrow the government and are far too dangerous to be let out on the streets while the case is being built against them.  Perhaps the better description should be while the case is being spun out of whole cloth against them.  And this would be far from the first time that such activities have occurred.

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Why do the Chinese have a copy of Hunter Biden’s hard drive from his laptop?  According to Red State, the high-level Chinese defector, who has been in the hands of the DIA for several months, brought with him a copy of the hard drive.  Just how compromised is Joe Biden?

Who thought it was a good idea for the Avatar in the White House to hold a summit with Putin?  They should be looking for a new job.  Biden snapped at reporters who asked softball questions while Putin handled the US press like a seasoned politico.  The contrast was dramatic.  Is Biden on the way out?

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Random Thoughts

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The administration announced plans to create ways for American to rat on each other.  Ostensibly this is to fight “domestic terrorism.”  Of course, “domestic terrorism” is defined as opposing the policies of the current government.

The administration has noted several times that “white supremacy” is the number one threat that this country faces.  “White supremacy” is defined as any actions that oppose the current government’s objectives in turning the country into one big slave plantation.  The political entities with the “correct” philosophies would be exempt from such reporting.

The Department of Homeland Security plans to work with tech companies to help combat “malicious content online that bad actors deliberately try to disseminate.”  Again bad actors will be defined to be anyone who espoused a different philosophy than the ruling junta in Washington.

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