Truth Is A Menace

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The most dangerous thing that any totalitarian regime fears is the truth.  In America today anyone who dares to speak out against the new regime, who dares to espouse a different worldview, becomes a target.  They must be silenced.

Stop The Steal is one such movement.  It is not just PDJT and his 100+ million supporters of American freedom and liberty who can be problematic for the globalists who wish to rule the world.  It is anyone whose voice does not rise up in harmony with them.

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It Gets Worse

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Start with a title like this and one has to wonder just what has gotten worse.  Is it the tech companies censoring conservative voices on the Internet. Yes, that has gotten worse.  I could write a lot about that.  But that is not where I am headed.

Is it about the media creating lies out of whole cloth?  Yes, that has gotten worse.  Just look at the stories that the media is spinning about last Wednesday.  I was there.  I could write volumes about that.  But that is not where I am headed.

Where I am headed is to expose more of the involvement of government people in the massive fraud that took place in our most recent Presidential election.  Just when you think it couldn’t possibly be worse than what we have seen so far, something new comes along to top that.

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When the media came out and declared Joe Biden the winner two months ago, China Joe Biden gave a speech.  He said,

“With the campaign over, it’s time to put the anger and the harsh rhetoric behind us and come together as a nation.  It’s time for Americans to unite. And to heal.”

Of course, this is the kind of rhetoric we often hear from winning politicians at the end of the campaign season.  And in some cases, they may even mean it.  In China Joe’s case this had absolutely no meaning.  In fact, you could pretend that you are inside the 1984 novel where everything means the opposite and you would be very close to the truth.

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More Thoughts

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The inauguration parade scheduled for January 20 has been cancelled.  The stated reason was to “limit crowds during a pandemic.”  Of course, this decision has been made after much construction of stands, etc., had taken place.  The real reason revolved around the rumors that Trump MAGA supporters would show up in large numbers.  The world would be watching so one could not have the image of illegitimacy swirl around Biden on television.  The media still thinks they can deceive most Americans.  Some yes, but most, I doubt it. ... 

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Georgia is only one of the many states that have clear problems with election/voter fraud.  Last week, during a committee hearing in Georgia, the next round of “irregularities” was revealed.  Perhaps the most dramatic was Jovan Pulitzer hacking into the Dominion Voting System in real time.  This led to the bipartisan Senate Judiciary Subcommittee unanimously passing a motion to embrace Jovan Pulitzer’s proposal to audit Fulton County ballots to determine whether they had actually been mailed in or had been run off a pro-Biden photocopy machine.

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Random Thoughts

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Without a single measure of concern for the individuals and/or the collective group, I predict that many politicians/bureaucrats/members of the media/others will continue to deny the existence of probable cause to warrant a thorough investigation of every aspect of the 11/03/2020 election.  They are virtually inviting those Americans supporting Donald J. Trump (perhaps the recipient of the largest percentage of real votes from majorities and minorities alike) and/or the Constitution of the United States of America to take up arms as their right to insure the redress of grievances.

Those displaying no regard for the intelligence and/or the rights of the citizens they swore to serve via their oath of office have no right to expect any level of sympathy and/or tolerance as we the people proceed to relieve them of their offices/positions and render just punishment for their actions or lack thereof!

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The Drop And Roll

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How the election was stolen.  This is not intended to be an itemized list of all the ways that ballot/election fraud was done.  It is an overview of the treachery that was involved.  And they have been caught.

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Random Thoughts

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It must have been Joe Biden who carried Barack Obama to the Presidency in 2008 and 2012.  Obama was just a deadweight on the ticket that Biden overcame.  Who knew that Biden was the most popular politician in American history!

Without campaigning, Biden received 16 million more votes than Hillary?  That would be a 25% increase over Hillary.   Biden never finished higher than 4th in the Iowa caucus in his 32 years of running for president.  Let’s be real.  This is the kind of crap that the MSM and the corrupt politicians are trying to foist on us, to make us believe.  Unfortunately some sheeple do believe. ... 

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