Spontaneous Or Organized?

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When the “protests” erupted after the death of George Floyd, there was much discussion about whether such protests were a spontaneous reaction or were the activities being guided and organized by a group.  The fact that that were “protests” in dozens of cities across the country almost immediately suggested that there was an element of organization behind it.  The media tried to play the narrative of people being fed up with police brutality.  This led to large scale activism.

If one goes back to the Trayvon Martin death, the protests were very much spontaneous.  They erupted at different times on different dates.  There appeared to be little if any coordination.  While there is no doubt that the video of George Floyd’s death was an enraging factor, evidence is now emerging that strongly suggests that this summer’s continuing violence is highly organized.

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PDJT As A Vessel

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This interview of Charlie Kirk is an excerpt of a much longer interview that he did.  It is one of the best descriptions of President Trump’s role within our government.  Kirk answers the critics who try to shame Christians into not voting for PDJT because he is not a perfect human being.  Kirk points out that Trump is the people’s President.  Kirk’s analogies about Trump barring the door to protect Americans are spot on about what is happening in this country.

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Lake Havasu

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The people come out to support the people’s President.  Boat parades like this are occurring all over the country.  Every weekend there are parades like this.  Did you know this?  Probably not.  The media continue to try to suppress any information about the people supporting PDJT.

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A Very Intelligent Virus

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WARNING: Satire Ahead

Once again the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 has demonstrated just how intelligent it is.  On Sunday, Arizona State University President Michael Crow stated that any students caught hosting or attending social gatherings on or off campus would be subjected to suspension.  In his statement, he said that COVID is here and will be here so it’s important that everyone take this seriously.

The Communist leader of ASU stated,

“We need everyone to follow all public health protocols: wear a mask, practice physical distancing, complete your daily health check, stay home when you are sick, wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your face. That is the only way that we will be able to effectively manage COVID-19.” ... 

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America First

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Kimberly Guilfoyle is a former Fox News anchor.  To say that her speech at the RNC was forceful would be understating the case by several octaves.

Guilfoyle comes out against socialism, open borders and drug trafficking.  She points out that California is a stunning example of socialism in progress.  Kimberly noted the drug problems, riots and blackouts that have been on the nightly news where true journalism still flourishes.

She demonstrated that she is an unabashed supporter of the President, the people’s President.  Kimberly embraced the idea of American greatness and called out those who would destroy this.  She talked about the successes PDJT has had on the world stage putting America first. ... 

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V-Shaped Recovery Continues

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Another 1.4 million jobs were added back in August as the recovery continues unabated.  The national unemployment rate dropped to 8.4% from 10.2% in July.  Economists were way off once again as they predicted 9.8% for the unemployment rate.  See the BLS report here.

Despite the ongoing challenges posed by Communist Democratic governors who refuse to listen to the science, there is good news for the most heavily impacted sectors of the economy: leisure and hospitality. Well over half of those jobs lost have been recovered. In the past four months 3.6 million jobs have been gained in this sector. This is despite the efforts of Governors Cuomo, Murphy, Whitmer and Newsome to lock people out of work.  Imagine how much further along the recovery would be if these dictators weren’t obstructing the recovery so that Joe Biden can win the election.

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A Land Of Dreams

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Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) hit an absolute home run when he spoke at the RNC.

Scott talked about Opportunity Zones that have brought millions of dollars of PRIVATE investment money into distressed communities.  Scott spoke about school choice, the only real solution to providing a quality education to all children.

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The Dividing Of America

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We hear a lot from the media and the Democrats about how divisive PDJT is.  We hear over and over ad nauseum that PDJT is pitting one group against another.  We hear that PDJT is responsible for the polarization of America that we see today.

One has to have a bad case of TDS to believe that PDJT is responsible for the division that the Democrats have sown in this country.

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Peaceful Protests In Kenosha

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Why did the governor of Wisconsin not want PDJT to visit Kenosha?  The governor said that PDJT would impede the healing that needed to go on.  If there is one thing I am sure of, it’s that that is not the reason.

The most likely reason was that America would see the results of the “peaceful protests” that took place.  Americans would see the rubble of what was once a vibrant business community just a few days ago.  CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC would once again be outed as the purveyors of fake news.

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