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Over the last several years a new psychiatric term has made its way into the lexicon.  It is Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).  While it is not yet in the library of approved mental illnesses, it was on display in full view of the nation on Tuesday night.

At the end of the President’s State of the Union address, Speaker Nancy Pelosi had a complete and unadulterated meltdown that resulted in her ripping up a copy of the transcript (destined for the National Archives)  in full view of the country.

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Fiasco In Iowa

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What were the Democrats thinking?  For the first time in the memory of most residents in Iowa, the Des Moines Register did not publish the results of their final poll leading into the caucuses.  The stated reason was that there were “technical difficulties.”  Most people with two working brain cells saw something else.

This appeared to be another attempt by the media and the DNC to blunt the momentum that is building for Bernie Sanders.  Combining this with the fact that the DNC recently changed their debate qualification rules to allow Mike Bloomberg to be on stage, there seems to be a clear strategy emerging from the DNC to once again rig the primaries against Bernie Sanders.  Bloomberg has personally donated money to the DNC.  Bloomberg has assured the DNC of substantial additional funding if he does not win the nomination.  In essence, Bloomberg is buying his way into the DNC.

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Poof! And Then He was Gone!

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Joe Biden is done.  Biden went on the Today show and was confronted by Savannah Guthrie about his son Hunter’s position with a corrupt Ukrainian firm.  There is no way these questions get asked if Biden still had any value to the DNC.

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Impeachment 2.0 Ends

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The farce known as the impeachment of PDJT is over.  Well, of course, it is not truly over just yet.  There is the vote of the “jurors” that still has to be taken.  That is scheduled for sometime Wednesday at this point.

This is probably a good time to step back and take a look at the events from the 30,000-foot level.  When one does this, the pattern immediately becomes obvious.  All of the events since the election in 2016 (actually there were events even before that…”insurance policy”) have been geared to the removal of PDJT from office.  This has been simply about the Democrats, the Deep State and the media working together to accomplish this.  They are scared to death that PDJT will actually return the power to the people.

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The Next Phase

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With an acquittal looming over them from the farce of an impeachment that the Speaker orchestrated by decree, Speaker Pelosi went to the microphones and claimed that PDJT would not be acquitted if the Senate acquits him of the charges.  Yes, Pelosi actually said that.

Apparently some in the media are recognizing the truth of the matter and are becoming a bit bolder about questioning the Speaker.  The reporter asked,

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Coup by Impeachment

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The farce going on in the Senate has reached the stage where Senators can ask questions.  First, a Democrat.  Then, a Republican.  On and on ad nauseum.  After this ridiculousness is over (will it really last two days?), the Senate will decide on whether to call witnesses.

This is another end run around the Constitution by the Democrats.  The Dems want the Senate to call witnesses that they refused to call and/or subpoena.  The Dems knew they would lose in court if they tried to enforce a subpoena on witnesses they wanted to depose.  Pelosi wanted to do impeachment by decree not have her caucus go on record with a vote.  Now they want the Senate to do what would have caused them to lose in federal court.

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Bereft of Evidence

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In case you haven’t noticed (and it’s okay if you haven’t), there is some sort of impeachment trial against President Trump going on in the US Senate.   After an interminable delay by Speaker Pelosi, the “Articles of Impeachment” against President Donald Trump were signed and transmitted to the Senate. Of course, it’s the most pathetic and baseless attempt to remove a president that Americans have ever witnessed.  Now we have had more than a week of the most boring presentation by prosecutors ever.  At least the defense was a bit quicker as they shredded the prosecution’s case.

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Wildwood, NJ

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A campaign rally for PDJT is scheduled for Tuesday evening in Wildwood, NJ.  People started showing up for the rally at 6 PM on Sunday!  These people got on line and are camping out overnight in the bitter cold of winter just to be able to get in to the Convention Center.  Hundreds were in line at 1 PM Monday when the video below was shot.

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