Yes Virginia, There Is A Second Amendment

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The new year is here.  It’s also a new decade.  Every rollover from one year to the next brings with it changes to the political landscape.   This year is no exception.  In November Virginia voted to make their legislature Democratic as well as the governorship.  Almost as soon as the ballot counting had ended, state legislators began floating the idea of widespread gun confiscation.

On November 18, State Sen. Dick Saslaw introduced a bill that he will sponsor in the 2020 legislative session. This bill will outlaw the possession of certain firearms.  Every rifle of the common AR-15 design and a great many pistols and shotguns in common use for personal defense, target shooting, and hunting would be banned.

Please note this is not just banning the sale or transfer of such weapons.  It criminalizes the possession of such weapons.  It would be a Class 6 felony.  In Virginia, Class 6 felonies are punishable by imprisonment for between one and five years.

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Something Different

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The following was written by Ben Stein and recited by him on CBS Sunday Morning Commentary.

My confession:

I don’t like getting pushed around for being a Jew, and I don’t think Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians. I think people who believe in God are sick and tired of getting pushed around, period. I have no idea where the concept came from, that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can’t find it in the Constitution and I don’t like it being shoved down my throat… ... 

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A Conversation With Robert O’Brien

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National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien appeared on ABC This Week with Jonathan Karl to discuss a number of issues.  Among them was North Korea.  Karl attempted to use former advisor John Bolton comments to undermine PDJT’s approach.

O’Brien does a very credible job of rebutting Karl’s comments.  He noted that President Obama had advised PDJT that a hot war was quite possible on the Korean peninsula.  O’Brien also noted that no progress had been made under the previous three administrations with North Korea.

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Media Bias Exposed

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To finish off this week, I want to continue with the point I’ve been hammering away at for some time now:

The modern Democrat party is a bad joke that would disappear entirely except for the unwavering support of the corporate media.

The media is the Democrat Party’s marketing arm. The media decide what we talk about.  The media decide how those conversations are characterized. The media is the reason we spent three years wallowing around in a discussion about whether or not the duly-elected President of the United States was in reality a Russian spy.  The media is the reason we have an impeachment proceeding based solely on partisan hatred of the President.

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Media Lies

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Without the dishonest media’s constant lies, the Democratic Party would not exist as a viable entity in its current form.  Following on with this week’s exposing of the media’s lies, let’s take a look at a few more individual examples.

In a December 5th in a New York Times piece, the headline screamed, “Donald Trump is a Clear and Present Danger to the 2020 Election.”  Now we all know at this point that the Times will broadcast anything in order to prevent the re-election of PDJT.  Here the Times is saying that President Trump is so corrupt that he will rig the 2020 election. ... 

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A Gift To The World

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Kaylee Rodgers singing “Hallelujah”  will blow you away. The girl has autism and ADHD. She performed the song with the Killard House School Choir in Donaghadee, Ireland.

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Making It Up As They Go Along

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Much time has been devoted here to pointing out the obvious bias and lies of the main stream media.  The MSM claims that the President is a danger to the freedom of the press.  They like to say that his attacks have a chilling effect on such freedom.  They might have a point if they could only stick to the facts in their reporting of newsworthy items.  But they can’t.

Their desperation to defeat PDJT’s re-election effort leads them to sacrifice their credibility and peddle obvious lies.  This in turn re-enforces to the common people that the MSM will say anything to stop PDJT from continuing in office.

This week WaPo and CNN combined in a whopper of epic proportions.  In a jaw-dropping moment on CNN’s ironically named Reliable Sources program, Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell made a ridiculous claim:

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