Hillary Clinton Opposes Open Borders

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In an interview with The Guardian last Thursday Hillary Clinton came out against the unrestricted flow of migrants into Europe.  This has shaken Democratic politicians to the core. Democrats have been unrestrained in their support of an “open borders” policy in America as well as in their criticism of PDJT’s policies on our southern border with Mexico.

Hillary Clinton said that immigration reform, “not open borders,” is needed “on both sides of the Atlantic.”   “I think Europe needs to get a handle on migration because that is what lit the flame.”  Is this a trial balloon to see if she can garner support for another run at the Presidency? She knows that the issue resonates with significant portions of the American electorate.

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Dems Propose Gun Confiscation

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Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) raised some eyebrows last week when he once again resurrected the idea of banning and confiscating “assault rifles.”  See here,hereand here.  The fact that Swalwell is a card-carrying member of the anti-liberty movement should come as no surprise to anyone.  He has proposed gun confiscation measures before.

He does not believe in the principle of property rights and very limited government.  He is part of a group of politicians who believe that American politics is really the government versus the people. ... 

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On a weekend when we express thanks and gratitude for all the blessings we have in America, certainly recognizing our first responders for the risks they take should be near the top of the list.

Michael Israel will set your world on fire like no other. A master at his work he inspires everyone around him. With a heart of gold he touches the lives of so many people around the world.  His spirit and passion are contagious.

Michael Israel’s HERO is a performance you watch with your heart.  My eyes water every single time that I see this.  What is absolutely amazing about this painting is that he finishes it in under 8 minutes!

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How To Do A Wrap-up Smear

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Rep. Nancy Pelosi talks about a campaign tactic known as the wrap-up smear.  This was back in 2017.  This certainly tracks very closely with Democratic tactics in general and specifically with the Trump-Russia story and the Kavanaugh smear.

Take a listen.

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Happy Thanksgiving

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A tip of the hat to Kemberlee Kaye

We are the only country in history to have an entire holiday devoted to intentional, mindful gratitude. That’s how Thanksgiving began.  It is how it should remain — a celebration of our blessings, the love we’ve been given, and all the other bits that make this life a beautiful place.

And thank God you live in America, an exceptional country.

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gives Economics Studies A Bad Name

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While there have been members of Congress who were not blessed with great intelligence, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from NYC, who will take office in January, takes the cake.

She has a bachelor’s degree in economics from Boston University.  After four years, (and nearly $300,000 list price), the school promises that BU economics majors will depart “with a firm understanding of core microeconomic and macroeconomic theory” and the “empirical skills that are essential to applying economic reasoning in our increasingly data-driven world.”

Given the above how does one explain the absolute economic illiteracy of this media darling who would make Sarah Palin look like a genius?  The Economics Department of BU must cringe every time she shows up on TV.  She is certainly not a glowing ad for the merits of their degree program.

Take a listen.

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How Will House Democrats Govern?

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Success in the midterm elections secured power for House Democrats.  This returned them to majority party status in the House for the 1st time since 2010.  How will the Democrats use that power?  Representative David Cicilline, co-chair of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee, in a combative interview revealed much of the party’s agenda.

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Camp Fire Cause

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The Camp Fire in California is being touted as the worst wildfire in the state’s history.  The town of Paradise has effectively been wiped off the map by the fire.  Approx. 90% of the structures in the town have been reduced to ashes.  The devastation is difficult to describe. The video below is not for the faint of heart.

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Why Do Democrats Oppose Voter ID Laws?

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Democrats are adamant that we do not need Voter ID laws.  Former President Obama claimed that the potential for voter fraud was so low that it was a waste of money and resources to bother with it.  To back up his claim he referred to the low number of criminal prosecutions in this area.

He and other Democrats have gone on to claim that such laws are really an attempt by the GOP to suppress minority voter turnout.  Is this the case?  Do Voter ID laws suppress minority voter turnout?  What are the actual facts? ... 

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Mid-Term Election Results, Part 3

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The Democrats won control over the House of Representatives.  What does this mean going forward?

An intellectually honest review of the possibilities must encompass what the Democrats have done in the recent past.  The last time the Dems regained power in the House was in 2006 during Bush 43’s second term.

In doing this review one must keep in mind the Democrats’ 1stcommandment as noted by Dee Chadwell:

Back in 2006 the American public had not yet been primed for a Marxist-type social order.  It was important to appear centrist while at the same time encouraging some political violence “against capitalism.”  Nancy Pelosi said of the Occupy Wall Street violent anarchists, “God bless these people.” ... 

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