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Each passing hour reveals more about the corrupt nature of the Ford storyline.  It is now abundantly clear that this was a Democratic setup from the outset.

Most of us in the center or on the right have open minds.  We were willing to give Prof. Ford the benefit of the doubt about what happened to her. That’s not to say that we thought Judge Kavanaugh was the perpetrator just that we would evaluate all testimony given in what could best be described as a circus.

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The explosive revelations of the last 48 hours about the Ford storyline are exposing the Democrats for the lowlifes they truly are.  It certainly seems probable that government employees (former and current, DOJ, FBI and/or Senatorial staffs) were directly involved in the construction of Prof. Ford’s story and the scrubbing of her digital fingerprints.

As a result, they are now scrambling to shift the story to the Judge’s drinking as a teenager.  Apparently drinking beer as an underage teenager is now a disqualifying event if you want to be a Supreme Court justice.

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