Brutally Honest

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The Avatar that sometimes sleeps at the White House has been told that he wants to spend a few nights there between 2025 and 2029.  The announcement comes just 24 hours after Susan Rice, the “power behind the curtain?” ran from the White House and just days after the Democrats announced that there would be no primary debates.

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Progressive Policy Outcomes

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Progressive policies continue to destroy businesses in our urban centers.  As district attorneys release violent criminals back onto the streets, they are turning our cities into cesspools of crime.  This is causing major businesses to evaluate their business prospects within such locales.

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Biden vs 2024 Run

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Just what is going on In Washington?  We are seeing a steady drip of allegations against Biden that are not simply being ignored.  Yes, in some cases, there are attempts by various sectors of Big Media to misdirect our attention to something else.  However, there seems to be a growing groundswell of articles in Big Media that cast Joe Biden in a negative light.  Is this evidence that a decision has been made by the people behind the curtain that Biden has become too big of a liability?

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Quality Candidates

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One of the things that was bandied about after the November elections when the Republicans did not do as well as expected was the fact that they did not field “quality candidates.”  One of those quality candidates on the Democratic side reappeared in Congress after spending two months in the psych ward.  John Fetterman had followed the Biden campaign approach not appearing in public any more than was absolutely necessary.

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Independence Can Not Be Controlled

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One of the big problems for the globalists, the people who want to rule the world, is that independent people cannot be controlled easily.  General Mike Flynn has tackled this issue and exposes some of the big lies we have seen over the last two decades.  More importantly he notes that taking care of our country must be a first priority before anything else.  In many, many ways General Flynn is preaching an America First ideology just as PDJT has.

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Where’s The Money?

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One of the more unusual aspects of the money flowing to Ukraine under the guise of “supporting a democracy” that does not exist, is the fact that Congress has forbidden any oversight of where the money is spent.  Seymour Hersh has now come out claiming that Zelensky has embezzled some $400 million from the aid going to the country.

Corruption in Ukraine is a long time problem.  Ukraine has been known as one of the most corrupt governments in the world.  Just how many US politicians have benefitted their bottom lines through this corruption is unknown.

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