Frivolous Prosecutions

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The recent election campaigns have illustrated that the Democrats will stoop to any low to win an election.  Perhaps the architectural blueprint for a lot of this type of activity occurred ten years ago in Alaska.  At that time Senator Ted Stevens-R was running for re-election.  The Democrats abused the legal system until Stevens’ name and career were utterly destroyed.

Unable to beat the GOP at the ballot box as often as they want, the Dems decided to target Republicans who are less likely to be able to defend themselves.  Stevens was the first top influential Republican they went after.  The Democrats used the legal system to tie him up in court for years, destroying him financially and sullying his reputation.

Stevens believed in and was a proponent for forest management that included logging.  This angered the Dems, although he took less conservative positions on global warming and abortion. His lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union was only a paltry 64 percent. Nevertheless, the Dems saw him as a Republican threat.

In 2008, partisan Democrat career prosecutors at the DOJ convinced a jury to indict Stevens for supposedly failing to list on Senate disclosure forms some goods and services he received for improvements made to his home in Girdwood, Alaska. He paid a $150,000 bill in full. DOJ prosecutors claimed the improvements were really worth $250,000, and that he had improperly failed to disclose the additional $100,000.

The ridiculous bias of the prosecutors was uncovered later when the foreman on the job stated he told the prosecutors that he believed the total work was only worth $80,000. Incredibly, the prosecutors failed to turn this exculpatory information over to Stevens and his defense attorneys.

The jury found Stevens guilty on seven felony counts, coincidentally just days before the 2008 election, causing him to narrowly lose re-election.

The federal judge who presided over the case, Emmet G. Sullivan, found the prosecution’s behavior so reprehensible he ultimately threw the case out in early 2009. The New York Times reported that Judge Sullivan, “speaking in a slow and deliberate manner that failed to conceal his anger, said that in 25 years on the bench, he had ‘never seen mishandling and misconduct like what I have seen’ by the Justice Department prosecutors who tried the Stevens case.  “Again and again, both during and after the trial in this case, the government was caught making false representations and not meeting its discovery obligations,” he said.

A subsequent investigation of the conduct of the case revealed that over 128,000 pages of documents had been assembled and snooped through in the attempt to get Stevens.

U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia said about the chief prosecutor, “This is a prosecutor who needs to be removed, and I would hope the attorney general utilizes the same test of integrity as he did in the Stevens case.”

Unfortunately, the prosecutor was found to only have exercised poor judgment, which is not the same as misconduct. Most likely, she “knew where the bones were buried” and no one dared to go after her.

As a result the Dems have been emboldened to repeat these tactics using their cronies embedded in the DOJ.  We have seen this over and over with prosecutions against people like Tom Delay and Rick Perry.  These vicious attacks using the legal system must be stopped. All prominent conservatives and Republicans are at risk.

The Mueller investigation of PDJT is the most egregious one of these types of prosecutions.  Of course, according to Nancy Pelosi here,these are acceptable tactics.

This is the modern Democratic Party at work.