Assange Confirmed DNC Emails Came From Seth Rich

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A stunning court filing on Monday in a Texas Federal District Court has revived a story long derided by the DNC and those who support them in the MSM. The defamation lawsuit, filed by Texas businessman Ed Butowsky, alleges Wikileaks’ Julian Assange confirmed to Fox News analyst Ellen Ratner that the DNC emails supposedly hacked by Russians were actually received from Seth Rich and his brother Aaron.

The relevant part of the court filing follows:  RCH stands for Russian Collusion Hoax

The entire court filing can be seen here.

Many people believe the DNC email data was downloaded onto a flash drive and leaked.  Although it was pooh-poohed by the media, computer scientists demonstrated that a physical connection to the DNC server was needed to have created the file that Wikileaks had.  In other words no Russian sitting somewhere in Europe as the Democrats claimed could have done the hack.

Roger Stone’s lawyers suspected they could prove the Russian hacking claim was false.  They requested the full Crowdstrike report on the DNC hack.  In responding the DOJ made a rather significant admission.  Not only did the FBI not review the DNC server, the FBI/DOJ never even saw the Crowdstrike report. They just took the word of a company hired by the DNC without ever seeing the actual forensics.  There are no known cases where the FBI has ever taken the word of a private company without their own techs being able to verify the information provided.

The implications here are enormous.  If Ed Butowski’s allegations are true, the entire narrative around the DNC “hack” is not only false but is also proven to have been intentionally created.  In addition, the murder of Seth Rich (unsolved to this day) has an alarmingly new motive.

Remember, the FBI, the DOJ and the Mueller investigation have claimed that specific Russian actors were responsible for hacking the DNC in 2016.  If Butowski’s allegations are true, the entire integrity of the DOJ, FBI and Special Counsel investigations collapses.  Is it time to take a broom and clean out the FBI and DOJ?  Do we need an FBI that is going to trample on the individual liberties of people?  Is this why Robert Mueller “delayed” his appearance before Congress?  Does he need the Democrats’ lapdog media to discredit Ed Butowski before he will testify?

Another interesting development connected to this is reported by Ty Clevenger, a Texas attorney representing Ed Butowski.

The complaint also mentions an interesting development in my ongoing Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the FBI. The feds claimed they had no information pertaining to Seth Rich, but they appear to be changing their tune. Shortly after Attorney General William Barr announced plans to declassify documents related to the Russian Collusion Hoax, the FBI’s attorney informed me that new documents were being processed. I should receive them not later than July 22, 2019. The DNC’s objections to our subpoenas for “Russian hacking’ information are also due on July 22, 2019, and production is due on August 8, 2019.

An obvious question here is why weren’t these documents produced before?

A more extensive discussion of all of this can be found here.