Category Archives: Gun Control

A Political Persecution

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Maybe when you saw this headline you thought I might be going to address the January 6th political prisoners in the Gitmo in Washington DC.  I am not.  The political persecution that I will address is the sham of a trial going on in Kenosha, Wisconsin.  That’s the one where Kyle Rittenhouse is on trial for defending his life from several individuals who were intent on doing him great bodily harm.  Just as with the George Zimmerman case, charges should never have been brought.

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Speeches vs Reality

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As anyone who has been following the news out of Australia knows, the suppression of basic human rights has been going on for some time.  In particular, this past week the police in Melbourne have been engaging in a brutal suppression of a people right to peacefully protest.  The Australian Prime Minister spoke at the UN about the need for and support for basic human rights last week. The incongruity of a speech vs reality is remarkable.

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It Is Their Turn Now

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The radical left (think communists) believe that it is their turn now.  They believe they can remake America into a communist country. Basic liberties have been taken away.  They have used the pandemic to attack the Bill of Rights.  They are masterfully taking a firm hold on destroying America.  Many Americans have become submissive sheep to this process.

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Gun Control

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When the left said that they were coming for your guns, they meant it.  A massive Democratic gun-control plan would require weapon owners and their family members to undergo “psychological evaluations.”  Wrong thinking has now been entered on the Washington scene for purposes of criminalization.  Wrong thinking will result in the loss of your guns under proposed legislation.

The Democrats are working very quickly to obliterate the 1st and 2nd Amendments.  The Democrats believe they do not have to worry about blowback from the people since they think they have now mastered the art of election fraud.  No longer will the “deplorables” mess up their plans for a totalitarian state.

Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee introduced a bill that would enact the strictest gun regulations in the history of the country and give the federal government sweeping power to decide who can own a firearm.

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Election Polling

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This will not be what you thought it would be when you saw the title.  It’s not that election polling especially by organizations like CNN, MSNBC, etc., wouldn’t be a great topic to dissect.  Hours could be spent on how the fake news media run their polls to get the results that they want.

This is about a different kind of poll.  It may very well indicate how voters might feel about what has been happening in the country.

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And So It Begins

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America under Joe Biden is beginning to be displayed.  The DNC convention in Milwaukee is rapidly turning into a virtual event.  It has been vastly scaled down from the original.  COVID-19 is being used as the excuse but most people realize that the possibility of unrest in Milwaukee coupled with Joe Biden’s deteriorating cognitive faculties is the real reason.  The Democrats are desperate to keep Biden in his basement as much as possible.

A citizens’ committee in Milwaukee, site of the DNC convention, has decided to disarm the police.  The committee ordered Police Chief Alonso Morales to order his forces to cease using tear gas and pepper spray.  I guess the idea of Bernie Bros being gassed on national TV was not the image that the DNC wanted to project.  The memories of Chicago in 1968 still haunt the Democrats. ... 

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Minneapolis In Crisis

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As many people know, as a direct result of George Floyd’s death while in police custody, the City Council in Minneapolis has announced that they will disband/dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD).  There is a veto-proof majority (9 out of12) on the council who support this idea.  Assuming none of these people waver once they actually begin to think about the ramifications of this, the mayor, who opposes this, will not be able to block this legislation.

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Shredding The Bill of Rights

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The stakes are escalating daily as authoritarian government officials deny their citizens the right to earn a living and/or to attend religious services and/or just to enjoy the simple rights of free association.  Citizens who are following the CDC guidelines have been arrested and charged with violating lockdown orders that came from their local government officials.  The repressive nature of some of those people who have been elected to serve us is going on display all over the country.

The time has long since passed that people need to be confined to their homes if there ever was a need to do so in the first place.  Now if someone is sick with COVID-19, there may be a need for quarantine.  But, government has been shutting healthy people in their homes and preventing healthy people from making a living.

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Epic Fail In Richmond

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If you checked in with any fake news outlet last week, then you know that January 20th was going to be “Chaos in Richmond.”  Carnage was on the menu since “extremists” were going to descend on the Virginia state capitol and protest.

MSM had hyped the second amendment protest event as a massive assembly of “right wing militia groups.” Hoping to inflame racial tensions around the MLK holiday, the MSM reported that  “white separatists” and neo Nazis would be squaring-off against Virginia law enforcement.

Further hyping the “clear and present danger” Governor Ralph “Blackface” Northam declared a temporary state of emergency ahead of the rally.  The left and their media allies were determined to set the narrative that having so many people who support the Second Amendment in one place could only lead to death and destruction.

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