Category Archives: Hatred

Another Hoax Hate Crime?

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This story was one of many stories circulating near the end of June about riots, protesting, etc.  Most of the stories in the MSM were depicting all these events as being mostly peaceful.

In Madison, Wisconsin, a mob tore down two statues and assaulted a white Democrat state lawmaker. They beat the guy up pretty badly. Why?  Because he was using his cell phone to record what was happening.  Then the mob went to a government building, squirted lighter fluid on it and set the building on fire after waving around a Molotov cocktail. The Department of Justice has released a grainy, hard-to-see photograph of the firebombing attack. There’s even a photo of a person squirting the barbecue starter fluid on the building.  This happened at 1:00 AM.

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Portland Insanity

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Mayor Wheeler has lost all sense of his responsibilities to the city of Portland.  Wednesday night Mayor Ted Wheeler, who has allowed mayhem to take over his city, marched with the rioters and stood by while Antifa tried to tear down the gate to the federal courthouse.  All the while Wheeler was trying to blame the Feds for the problems he created.  Wheeler is the light-haired man with the goggles.

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BLM Hates Black People

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For those who may have missed a piece of insanity in Provo, Utah yesterday, a 60-year-old man, who was driving an SUV, was shot.

How did this happen?  The man was driving on a street in Provo when he slowed down and got in the right turn lane to make a turn.  “Peaceful” protesters blocked his route and the route of other vehicles. The driver then sounded his horn.  They then surrounded his vehicle.  More “peaceful” protesters rushed to try to block the SUV.  This is anarchy and it gets worse.

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A Mayor Stands Up To BLM

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In Provo, Utah yesterday, a 60-year-old man, who was driving an SUV, was shot.  The man was driving on a street in Provo when he slowed down and got in the right turn lane to make a turn.  “Peaceful” protesters blocked his route and the route of other vehicles. The driver then sounded his horn.  They then surrounded his vehicle.  More “peaceful” protesters rushed to try to block the SUV.

One of the “peaceful” BLM terrorists pulled a gun and demanded the driver get out.  When the driver refused, this “peaceful” terrorist opened fire hitting the driver.   When the driver hit the gas to escape, the terrorist fired another shot through the rear window of the SUV.

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The Nazi Party Of America

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Dennis Prager has written an article over at with the title, The Four Horsemen of America’s Apocalypse.  In it Prager reviews how the Nazi Party (National Socialists) came into power.  Prager also goes over how other totalitarian movements succeeded in gaining power.  Prager highlights the four elements needed to destroy a civilization.  He then compares that to what the Democrats and their allies in the media are doing today.

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Fake News…Again

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On Thursday the media reported that PDJT had suggested the possibility of “injecting” disinfectant into a person to treat COVID-19.  The media immediately went into attack mode to smear the President.  Calling PDJT “irresponsible” to suggest such a treatment was one of the milder comments.  They also lied when they said that the President has repeatedly tried to get the public to try “unproven” treatments.

Dr. Vin Gupta, a pulmonologist, global health policy expert and an NBC News and MSNBC contributor said,

“This notion of injecting or ingesting any type of cleansing product into the body is irresponsible and it’s dangerous.  It’s a common method that people utilize when they want to kill themselves.”

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Media Bias Reaches New Low

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While I have talked numerous times here about media bias, I am still astounded occasionally by the new lows that so called “unbiased” media personalities will stoop to in order to disparage PDJT.  Last week after the President’s address to the country, Lawrence O’Donnell of the flailing MSNBC network (how many viewers have they lost in the last three years?) reached a new low water mark.

This says a lot considering that once again PDJT was called a racist and a xenophobe by many media types over on the far left for calling the Wuhan virus a foreign virus.  This ignores the fact that it is common practice to associate new diseases with the site of its first major outbreak.  Examples include the West Nile Virus, Guinea Worm, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Lyme Disease, Ross River Fever, Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever, Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), Valley Fever, German Measles and Spanish Flu.

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An Awakening

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Unless you’ve been living under a rock somewhere, the concept of “woke” is not a particularly new thing for you.  Initially it came into somewhat common use as a term that described someone who was aware of what was going on in his/her community.

Of course, the dictionary describes woke as the past tense of wake.  That is, being past the point of waking up.  Today its common use is to refer to someone who sees the ‘infinite” ways in which racism, sexism and classism affect how we live our lives on a daily basis.  And therein lies a problem.

Hard core leftists often use it as a pejorative, as in “not woke,” to smear people who do not agree with every progressive ideology put forth by the Democratic Party.  It is also used in a knee jerk reaction against those who fail to keep up with and conform to Democratic talking points.

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Media Inspired Violence

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There have been numerous posts here and elsewhere about the incredible media bias when it comes to reporting about PDJT, conservatives and Trump supporters.  The MSM, by and large, has become a propaganda arm for the Democratic Party.  Without the MSM the Democratic Party would cease to exist.  It is only the constant false narratives of the media that keeps the Democratic Party in existence.  When one story is shown to be false, they move on to another.

Memories are short; the Left knows this. This helps to embolden the Left to continue to grow more and more obvious, believing – probably not incorrectly — that they can pretty much foster any scam without repercussions.  It has gotten so that today they believe they can do this without having to be subtle about it.

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