Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Joy and Light and Optimism

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Is it possible that California might be in play for this election?  The Democrats have a massive number of registered Democrats compared to the Republicans.  They have a “ballot harvesting” scheme that enabled them to turn seven Republican congressional districts in the 2018 election.  This “ballot harvesting” scheme is illegal in most states and developed countries due to the high risk of voter fraud.

Despite this the number of people turning out for rallies where the President appears are off the charts.  Literally tens of thousands of people turn out for these rallies and events.  Even stand-ins for the President are drawing 10, 20, 50 times more people than Joe Biden himself.  A friend of mine attended a campaign event in Savannah, Georgia where hundreds of people turned out to hear the President’s son talk.  Joe Biden is lucky to have 20 to 30 people show up to an event who actually support him.  Recent events have seen far more Trump supporters showing up.

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More To Come

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Last week the story of the year was published by the NY Post.  Hunter Biden’s laptop revealed an unbelievable level of corruption within the Biden family.  A lawyer for Rudy Giuliani, the President’s personal attorney, obtained the hard drive from the Delaware computer repairman who had worked on three laptops that Hunter Biden abandoned.

Steve Bannon, former adviser to President Trump, told The Post about the existence of the hard drive in late September.  Bannon was brought on due to his familiarity with corruption in corporate America, on Wall Street, and within the Chinese Communist Party and America’s political class. Mr. Bannon revealed that he “worked up and executed the roll out plan” of the information contained in the Hunter hard drives.

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The Biden Family Business

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The fact that Hunter Biden was benefitting from his father’s position as Vice President of the United States has been obvious to everyone on either side of the aisle for a long time.  Washington pols did not care much so long as they could wet their beaks as well.  Burisma, the Ukrainian energy firm, did not put Hunter on its board of directors because he had a pretty face.  They did not do this because he had expertise in the energy business.  They did it to gain leverage with Joe Biden who was the point man for the Obama administration on Ukraine.

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Kamala’s Plan For Trump Supporters

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Shocking words were heard at a Democrat fundraiser for criminal justice reform on April 18th from presidential hopeful, Kamala Harris. While giving a speech on the effectiveness of zero punishment prosecutions, she veered off script to talk about impeaching our president and describe in detail one “crime” she would not hesitate to punish, to the absolute delight of the woke progressive crowd.

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Packing The Court

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The confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Barrett to the Supreme Court began on Monday.  If confirmed, Judge Barrett will become the first female justice of the Supreme Court to have school age children.

Amid the rancor leading up to these hearings the Democrats have threatened “packing the court” if she is confirmed.  Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has suggested Democrats would try to pack the court with liberal activist justices by increasing the number of justices.  Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has said that all options are on the table if Barrett is confirmed.

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Last week the Harris-Biden campaign ventured into the “battleground” state of Arizona.  Both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris showed up together for the first time since the Democratic National Convention.  A local news reporter reported from outside the venue.  She noted something weird.  That was that there was an almost complete absence of support for the two candidates.  I wonder if she still has a job after making note of this fact in her report.

Many of us will remember that PDJT outdrew Hillary Clinton all over the country in 2016.  This time Hillary’s diminutive crowds would dwarf those showing up for Biden-Harris.

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Why Donald Trump?

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Donald Trump is the only candidate who deserves your vote this November.  Trump is not perfect, like all Presidents, but I do believe he has the country, our America, first in his mind every day when he gets out of bed. No President has worked harder for all Americans.  I voted for him and fully intend to repeat that.

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