Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Herschel Walker At The RNC

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Herschel Walker describes his 38-year friendship with President Donald Trump.  In his remarks Mr. Walker puts a face on the person we know as the people’s president.

Awesome speech!  This may have been the best speech of Monday night.  Honest, straightforward and on the money.  The content of his message and the its delivery could not have been more effective. ... 

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A Promise Kept

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This is an inspiring story of redemption.  Jon Ponder, a thrice convicted felon, expressed his deep and profound thanks to President Trump for keeping his promise.  Ponder had been part of PDJT’s criminal justice reform panel.  Ponder runs a program that helps released felons re-integrate into society.  PDJT had promised to come to one of Ponder’s graduations.  In February PDJT did just that.  The President stayed for an hour and a half afterwards meeting with the people who graduated.

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Kamala Harris Off Limits

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Once Kamala Harris was announced as the VP candidate (actually this happened before such an announcement), a concerned group that included Planned Parenthood sent a letter to the media indicating that critically questioning any woman especially a woman of color who was named as Biden’s running mate was off limits.

The letter was actually a 32-page “guide” that detailed how the media would be allowed to cover Biden’s running mate.  It has been made clear that the group would come after any media outlet that dared to question Harris in any way that they felt was not appropriate.

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Warning Against Socialist Democrats

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It is certainly a contrast in styles.  The Democrats brought on celebrities and politicians to make their case for the Presidency.  The Republicans, for the most part, used ordinary, everyday Americans.

Maximo Alvarez is one of those everyday Americans.  He is a Cuban immigrant whose family fled totalitarianism from both Cuba and Spain. On Monday, Mr. Alvarez spoke directly about candidate Joe Biden.  He detailed the Democrats’ dangerous slide towards socialism and the far left. Mr. Alvarez knows personally how President Trump is fighting to keep the American dream alive. ... 

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Jim Jordan On Air

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Jim Jordan spoke at the first night of the Republican Convention.  Jordan talks about many of the fraudulent roadblocks that the Democrats put in front of President Trump.  Jordan quickly lists some of PDJT’s many accomplishments and then Jordan talks about the man’s humanity.  This is something the media will never publicize.

This video is worth three minutes of your time.

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Why is Joe Biden Running?

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When PDJT came down the escalator in June, 2015, and announced his candidacy, he told America why he was doing this.  He was unequivocal and has been steadfast about this.  PDJT ran for President hoping to give back to the country that had given him and his family so much. Now there are some who would say that this was just political talk.  However, as many people have noted PDJT was not a politician.  Based on what PDJT has done, I think there is little doubt that he said exactly what he meant.

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The Plot Against The President

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A new documentary on the Russiagate scandal is in the works.

Amanda Milius, daughter of legendary screenwriter-director John Milius, has directed The Plot Against the President, based on Lee Smith’s 2019 best-seller of the same name.

Investigative journalist Lee Smith’s The Plot Against the President tells the story of how Congressman Devin Nunes uncovered the operation to bring down the commander-in-chief. While popular opinion holds that Russia subverted democratic processes during the 2016 elections, the real damage was done not by Moscow or any other foreign actor. Rather, this was a slow-moving coup engineered by a coterie of the American elite, the “deep state,” targeting not only the president, but also the rest of the country. ... 

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Michelle Obama Disqualifies Joe Biden

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Former first lady Michelle Obama addressed a virtual Democratic National Convention on Monday evening.  Depending on your political point of view, it was either a forceful call to vote for Joe Biden or an attempt to further divide an already polarized nation.

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