Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

March Madness

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March Madness has descended on the country.  The biggest basketball event in the country started on Thursday.  There is another kind of March Madness going on in the country and it is not a good one.  That madness is the embracing of communistic socialism by various Democratic politicians.

Among the mob of Dems embracing this madness are Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and Bernie Sanders.  They are both keen supporters of communism.  They hide behind labels like Democratic Socialist.  But they are communists at heart.  Bernie Sanders spent his honeymoon in Russia and has never held a private sector job.

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Pelosi Blinks

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Are the Democrats backing away from the “I” word?  House Speaker Pelosi, who spent a lot of time planning the impeachment process since winning control of the House in November in the hopes of improving the Democrats’ chances in the 2020 presidential election, made an announcement on Monday.

[Nancy Pelosi] “I’m not for impeachment. This is news. I’m going to give you some news right now because I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this: Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.” 

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Sharia Impeachment

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On Wednesday pro-Sharia law Rep. Rashida Tlaib announced plans to file an impeachment resolution against President Donald Trump.  The Michigan Democrat aims to introduce the resolution in the coming weeks.

“For me, as a member of Congress, it’s so important that I make sure that I check this president. … It’s really important that the president of the United States is investigated,” Tlaib told CNN.

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Democratic Witch Trials

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On Monday the Democrats under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi continued their witch hunt against PDJT.  Of course, the ultimate goal of is the removal of PDJT as President.  The Democrats are no longer hiding behind a weaponized FBI and DOJ.  They are no longer hiding behind fake FISA warrants and fake dossiers.  Their hatred of PDJT knows no bounds.

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Back in the run-up to the 2018 elections the Democrats were given marching orders not to talk about impeachment. They said that they were going to return “civility” to Washington.  Talking about impeachment would have indicated that the Democrats were lying when they promised “civility.”

Nancy Pelosi led this effort.  “Well, I think when we win, you will see evidence of that. Because when we do win, we will have, as we open the new Congress, we will honor the vows of our founders, E pluribus unum, from many one,” Pelosi said. “It’s OK to disagree in the marketplace of ideas, that’s exciting, but it is also important to find solutions that unify and not divide.” ... 

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The Mount Vernon Schoolyard Massacre

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Almost 12 years ago four good, young people were brutally attacked in a schoolyard in Newark, NJ.  Three would die.  The fourth was left for dead but survived.  In a city where murders were common (105 occurred in the year in question), this attack was particularly horrific.

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Good Morning, Vietnam

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The Hanoi meetings ended early when the two sides could not come to an agreement regarding the removal of nuclear weapons from the Korean peninsula. The MSM was quick to jump on this as a failure for PDJT.  However, failure is not the word I would use.

There is every sign that this is just a stage in getting the North Koreans to understand that they must give up the strategy of confrontation and isolation.  Instead, they need to open up to the outside world and to the possibilities that market economies can generate.

Clearly much progress has been made as a result of the two meetings.  The possibility of war has been reduced.  In 2016 North Korea crowed that the Obama administration’s “strategic patience” policy had allowed it to get armed with nuclear weapons.  At the time Rodong Sinmun, North Korea’s main newspaper, said North Korea needed to develop nuclear weapons to protect itself from Washington’s “hostile policy” toward Pyongyang.

When North Korea held its fifth nuclear test on Sept. 9, 2016, the Obama administration responded with the following statement:

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Star Chamber

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Have we awakened into a world of hate and fear where the people who hate and fear do not know it themselves?  One only has to look around to see countless examples of hate and fear. They are there everyday in the media. They often try to masquerade as being virtuous thoughts and acts.

The latest example is the hearing going on in Washington, DC, by the House Oversight Committee.  The Democrats hate PDJT because, despite conspiracies within the Obama administration to swing the election to HRC in 2016, the people selected him for President. They have not gotten over this yet and will probably never get over it.

To show how desperate they are, the Dems have brought Michael Cohen, convicted liar to Congress, to testify.  Cohen is pathetic.  His acting skills do not come up to Christine Blasey Ford’s.  Just as with Ms. Ford, he will quickly be forgotten when he is no longer politically useful.

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Democrats are swinging back to the “I” word in their hate-fueled rage towards PDJT.  In order to gain acceptance for impeachment in the public’s mind, they need to resurrect the Russian collusion narrative that has been discredited over and over again.

To that end Adam Schiff, current chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, recently went on CNN, the Democrat’s favorite lapdog network. Schiff told Dana Bash of “State of the Union” that he disagreed with Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr’s assessment that there was no direct evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. ... 

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Coup D’Etat, Part 3

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One path that the coup plotters appear to have been contemplating was using the 25th amendment to remove PDJT from office after the firing of James Comey. The 25th amendment was originally passed to provide a framework for replacing, either temporarily or permanently, a President who became incapacitated and was unable to discharge his duties as President.  President Wilson’s stroke in 1919 is one example of the situations that might occur. Another example was President Reagan on the operating table after being shot and also for shortly thereafter.  There had been discussions of this nature after President Kennedy’s assassination.  These discussions led to the passage of the 25th Amendment in 1965.

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