Odds & Ends

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Clueless was the first word that jumped onto my mind about Speaker Pelosi’s comments about lawlessness in US cities.

Then I realized that, once again, she was gassing us.  It’s hard to know just who lies more, Pelosi, Biden or the Schiffless one.

The Democrats have given the country plenty of incentive to be violent.

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Don’t Vax Your Kids

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Debra Heine has an article on myocarditis over at American Greatness that should raise alarm bells with every parent in the country who cares about the health of their children.  The risks of heart inflammation in young people far outweigh any possible benefit from the mRNA therapies.

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Deadliest Vaccine In History

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Prior to COVID, the most dangerous vaccine in human history was the vaccine for smallpox.  Regarding smallpox, let’s be reminded that it is a terrible disease.  Its mortality ratio is over 30%.  That is, almost 1 in 3 people who contract the disease perish.  There is no known cure.  You either recover or you die.  Smallpox killed an estimated 500 million people from 1880 to 1980 before it was eradicated,

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The NYTimes reported that the first real-world study of how vaccines hold up against the Omicron variant showed a significant drop in protection against symptomatic cases caused by the new and fast-spreading form of the coronavirus.

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The Biden Effect

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How many people will die in Afghanistan because of the ineptitude of the current administration? How many of these will be children?  How many will be babies?

During the Trump administration, economies around the world were benefitting from economic cooperation.  Then came the fraudulent election.  Economies everywhere have suffered.  Afghanistan has been especially hard hit.

More than half of the population of Afghanistan is facing extreme hunger, a frightening development that will only intensify as winter gets set to descend on the war-devastated country now under Taliban control.

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Kids Jabbed Without Parents’ Consent

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It is time for massive class action suits against any school district that attempts what some school districts in California have done.  Sue everyone separately.  School district personnel, school administrators and the teachers involved.  Do not let any get out of this by saying they were just “following orders.”

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Vaccine News

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A federal judge Tuesday blocked a national COVID-19 vaccine mandate that would have required private government contractors to get their jabs.  This is yet another blow to the administration’s jab push.

This mandate, set to take effect Jan. 4, was the latest White House coronavirus directive to be blocked by a court injunction.

The court ruling and previous similar related decisions indicate that it is increasingly likely the debate over governmental overreach could wind up in the US Supreme Court.

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