A Huge Bounce!

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The May jobs report was expected to show job losses of 7 to 8 million.  This was the analysis of the financial experts and Nobel laureate economists.  Imagine their surprise when the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) announced that 2.5 million jobs have been ADDED to the economy.  Never in the history of the country have we seen a turnaround like this from one month to the next.

In effect, there are 10 million more jobs at the end of May than the experts predicted.  Never have the experts been off by anywhere near this much.  Not only were they not in the same ballpark, they weren’t even on the same planet.  Perhaps these experts were meth experts not math experts.

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Barr Identifies Antifa

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On Thursday, AG Bill Barr gave prepared remarks at a press conference.  As with anytime where the AG gives a statement, it is always useful to carefully parse what he is saying.  This man does not state things as fact if he does not have the evidence to back up his statement.

Barr identified that when the rule of law breaks down, the promise of America does also.

Barr went on to discuss actions being taken specifically in connection with the George Floyd case.  After this Barr addressed the problems concerning the civil unrest going on across the country.  Barr identified the three groups who are out on the streets. ... 

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“Scientists” Lied, People Died

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Some time back the prestigious British medical journal Lancet published a “study” that claimed there was increased mortality among patients taking the drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for the Wuhan virus.  This was a stunning publication at the time.

HCQ is a commonly prescribed drug for a host of aliments.  These include malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.  It is often prescribed as a prophylactic for people who are going to travel to areas where malaria might be present.  Its side effects are well known and understood.  It is an inherently safe drug for the vast majority of people.

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Lara Logan goes on Fox News to talk about Antifa.  As she points out, Antifa is a global organization that is dedicated to the overthrowing of all oppressors worldwide but especially in America.  By oppressors they mean anyone who does not bow down to their philosophy.

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Twitter Puts Its Hand On The Scale

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Most social media companies police user content to some degree.  Some are more heavy-handed than others.  Facebook forbids sexual content, cruel and insensitive material and so on.  More recently Facebook has been taking down posts that provide viewpoints on COVID-19 treatment that are different than what the incompetent officials at WHO proclaim. Zuckerberg calls such viewpoints dis-information.

Obviously, information that does not align with globalists’ viewpoint must be dangerous.  So, if you have been a good doctor for decades and you find a treatment protocol that is effective, you cannot post such information on Facebook.

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I Watched Antifa Grow

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I offer the following article as background for what is going on around the country.  What the author details here has been reported in many cities around the country.  The article breaks down the chaos into an understandable whole.

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NYC In Chaos

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What is Warren ‘Bill’ DeBlasio doing?  Is he Nero who watched as Rome burned?  As mayor of the financial hub of the world, DeBlasio seems totally unable to exert any semblance of control over what is going on in NYC.

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On Monday, Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee for President, showed once again that he has lost command of his basic faculties.  As reported by David Knowles of Yahoo News, Joe Biden said that police under attack in the line of duty should shoot their assailants “in the leg instead of the heart” as a way to avert the killing of civilians.

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Pure Evil

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The protests that started over the horrific death of George Floyd actually brought most of the country together for a moment.  However, the protests are no longer about George Floyd.  And they are no longer protests.  They are riots.  It would be appropriate for even CNN and MSNBC to use that word.

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