Freedom or Subjugation

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As we approach the end of this election cycle, it is time to evaluate just what this election is about.  The Left is screeching about the “end of democracy” if MAGA Republicans are elected to office.  Think about that.  MAGA means Make America Great Again.  Was America great before because democracy did not exist?

I do believe that we are facing a choice between freedom and subjugation, between being human or embracing transhumanism and totalitarianism.

Recently I saw a speech given by a prominent person that expressed a lot of points that are very relevant to our current situation in America.  I have cribbed some from that speech to build this post.

The approach I will use here is to simplify the choices facing the electorate.   I will focus solely on the choices involving our children.

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Election News

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The Democrats are doing so bad in polling that they have once again tried to invest in terrorism to save their hides.  We have seen this time and again with the Ukraine war.  We have heard from the President himself that Russia is about to nuke Ukraine.  It has been suggested that a first strike against Moscow is the only way forward.

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Nasty Nancy Trapped

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Tom Luongo showed a video clip of Speaker Pelosi that displays her utter hypocrisy on the subject of the minimum wage.  At the same time it shows Pelosi as a bully who will not engage in a direct discussion of the issue.  Pelosi resorts at the end to calling for a guard to end the interview because she realizes that she is overmatched.

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Capitalism is purely about money

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One of the constant talking points by the demo-communists currently in charge of our government, is that capitalism is bad.  To this point there are a never-ending attempts by these people to take over the economy.  One can see this in the healthcare industry which is now almost completely dominated by the government.  How is that working out?

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Segregation Money   

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Harvard is engaged in defending a suit that alleges discrimination in admissions due to its race-conscious approach.  Due to a missed deadline for filing a notice of claim with their insurance carrier, the amount of money that Harvard is spending to protect their “right” to discriminate based on race is now visible for the world to see.

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Joe Biden’s America

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Joe Hoft of the Gateway Pundit reported on a prediction that Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, made BEFORE the 2020 election.  Adams tweeted that if Biden gained the Oval Office, “Republicans will be hunted.”  He wrote in a follow-up tweet, “Police will stand down.”

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mRNA Bits

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Igor Chudov analyzed a CDC presentation and identified that being given a higher-dose Moderna vaccine during pregnancy, almost DOUBLES the chance of neonatal death, compared to women who received the lower-dose Pfizer vaccine.  How can the CDC stand there and say the mRNA jab is safe and effective?

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What Happened?

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On early Friday morning around 2:00 AM, police were sent to a residence in California to do a wellness check.  This was a result of a 9-1-1 call where the operator intuited the need for such a visit.  Stories about what took place abound.  Some contain elements of real facts.  Others are the product of fertile imaginations.  Just what happened?

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