Odds & Ends

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The leader of the “free world” speaks.

Biden is stuck on “green energy” and global warming.  This ignores the fact that the working class is being punished by the soaring cost of energy and the rampant inflation that is accompanying this.  All of this has been caused by the policies implemented by the Democrats.

There was no push back from Jack Tapper about all the misery that the Democrats are inflicting on the public.  This was a pre-recorded interview.  Just what did they edit out?

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Thinking The Unthinkable

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The idea that the administration would bring the world to the brink of nuclear war to win an election (or to at least mitigate the losses) seems unthinkable to some people.  The idea that leaders of western governments would resort to this to stay in power seems ludicrous and incredibly evil.  Ludicrous it is not.  Incredibly evil it is.

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Nord Stream & Davos

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Hurricane Ian has driven some of the speculation about the Nord Stream Pipelines sabotage off the front pages.  People in this country are more concerned about the day-to-day recovery activities going on in Florida.  Tom Luongo has written an article about the sabotage and the more pressing question of whodunit.

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Saudi Sabotage

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The Democrats who think they rule the world are having a bad week.  Their control over what is happening in the financial markets is evaporating.  They need a war to distract the public from the incredible mess they have made of the economy.   From my perspective this mess appears to be deliberate.  They are trying to collapse the economy so that people will be dependent on the government.

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Nord Stream Sabotage

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Dr. Tom Woods has published an opinion by economist Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University about the Nord Stream sabotage.  At this point, I am surprised that Sachs still has a job there after he spoke the truth as he sees it regarding the blowing up of the pipelines.  Dr. Woods has added his own insights in several places.

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Climate Change

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Dr. Tom Woods has delved into the climate change hypocrisy that has been amped up because of Hurricane Ian.  None of this hysteria is unexpected.  The opportunity to gain more control over the public through government activities will NEVER be ignored by the communists who inhabit the Left.

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Transgender Insanity

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Members of the girls’ volleyball team at Randolph Union High School in Vermont have been banned from their own locker room for not wanting to change in front of a transgender student who is a male.  And an investigation has been started by high school officials into allegations that girls harassed the trans student after he allegedly made inappropriate comments to the girls.

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