Newt Gingrich Speaks Out
The following is from Newt Gingrich , a former speaker of the House of Representatives. I wholeheartedly agree with everything he says here. My thanks to RM for bringing this to my attention.
The following is from Newt Gingrich , a former speaker of the House of Representatives. I wholeheartedly agree with everything he says here. My thanks to RM for bringing this to my attention.
On Wednesday, Rush Limbaugh, “a talent on loan from God” returned home to his Creator. Rush, a towering symbol to truth and liberty in this country, died after a battle with lung cancer. Rush was one of the most deserving recipients of a Presidential Medal of Freedom in my lifetime. He was a monumental media icon who transformed talk radio and politics in his decades behind the microphone. His was a voice of sanity and a beacon of light for conservatism for 30 years.
His voice may be gone from the airwaves of the American landscape but will never be absent from the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans. Rush was all about God, Faith, Family & Country. He was a lion for conservatism as Billy Graham was for Christianity. America has lost a giant, a warrior for freedom and liberty.
As many have undoubtedly heard by now, many people in Texas are without electric power. Some 2 million households are struggling to stay warm without power during a major winter storm. When the state’s grid operator, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), began implementing rolling blackouts at 1:25 a.m. Monday, the outages were intended to be implemented on a rolling basis — up to 45 minutes per affected area, according to the ERCOT.
However, many areas were continually without power before ERCOT decided on rolling blackouts and continued to be without power after that decision. “Unfortunately, if you are a customer who is currently experiencing an outage, you should be prepared to be without power for at least the rest of the day,” tweeted CenterPoint Energy.
Jackie Sargent, the general manager for Austin Energy, said Monday afternoon that based on information from ERCOT, the local power outages could extend into Tuesday afternoon.
Contrary to what one might think, the energy problem wasn’t primarily due to downed power lines. Instead, in a state that has a quarter of America’s proven natural gas reserves, the power went away because Texas has turned to wind generation — and the generators froze. This coupled with a high demand for natural gas showed the folly of depending on “green” energy as a critical component of one’s energy grid.
This gives new meaning to “Houston, we have a problem.”
The avatar in the President’s office removed the terrorist designation from the Houthis (primarily in Yemen). This designation had been put in place during the Trump administration.
Last week the Houthis bombed an airport in Saudi Arabia. The drone strike targeted Abha International Airport in Saudi Arabia, an airport just 75 miles from the Yemeni border that is frequently targeted by the militant rebel group. The attack set one civilian plane on fire.
My memory fails me but isn’t there a word that is used for organizations that target civilian populations with violence? ...
On Monday crowds of supporters gathered on the road to Mar-a-Lago to cheer and celebrate President Donald Trump. This was a huge show of love for PDJT today as he returned to Mar-a-Lago after a day on the links.
This is another one of those “this doesn’t happen” thing. Remember during the campaign when a TRUMP sign ala the Hollywood sign appeared in the hills around LA. And tens of thousands of people showed up for rally after rally, the crowds increasing as time went on. Toward the end 40k, 50k and 60k people were showing up.
Then there were the spontaneous gatherings of large numbers of Trump supporters in unlikely places like Beverly Hills. And mega Trump parades of all types, all over the country – a hundred miles of cars, hundreds of boats and bikers, long-haul truckers, golf carts, and an Amish horse and buggy parade, for Pete’s sake. This was all real. We saw it day after day, momentum and enthusiasm off the charts.
The Biden administration is considering curtailing the ability for citizens to travel freely but has effectively hung out an “Open Borders” sign for illegals to come into the country. That would mean the border would once again be overrun by drugs, sex traffickers and criminals. Is this just the usual hypocrisy from the Left? Or is there something more sinister going on?
ARIZONA […] In recent days, more than 1,000 people who had been detained after crossing into the U.S. have been released into the country in a reversal of the Trump administration’s near-shutdown of the border. Many more people are gathering on the Mexican side, setting up a test of America’s ability and willingness to admit migrants during a pandemic.
On Thursday in Mexicali, across from Calexico, Calif., migrants could be seen trying to scale a border fence. A migrant camp in Matamoros, Mexico, just across a bridge from Texas, has grown to 1,000 people over the past few weeks.
There is something more sinister going on. The best title for it might be “The Big Racket.”
Sundance over at CTH has written on this subject multiple times over the years. I will be quoting liberally from his posts.
Politicians on both sides of the aisle play political games with the issue of illegal immigration. As Sundance has noted:
There is no greater disconnect from ordinary Americans on any singular issue than the policy positions of Democrats and Republicans in Washington DC surrounding illegal immigration. President Donald Trump was confronting their unified interests.
Recently the Biden Administration has been talking about curtailing travel between the states to help stop the COVID virus. In particular, since Florida has been “flaunting” the supposed “best practices,” it has been singled out for “punishment” by the federal government. Of course, this was to be done under the guise of a public health emergency caused by a new variant of the COVID virus. This ignores the declining case rates across the country.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Sen. Marco Rubio slammed the Biden administration for considering such a domestic travel ban on the state, calling the threat “unconstitutional” and a “political attack” on Floridians.
The faux impeachment by the Uniparty is over. God, the TRUTH, Good and OUR president won on Saturday. Satan, LIES, Evil and the DemonicRATS LOST! At the same time more corrupt members of the Republican Party were exposed.
The following is a statement from the best President of this country in my lifetime.
This is a presentation by Mark Sargent that highlights very well so much of the nonsense going on in our country right now. It is common sense from start to finish. Unfortunately too many people remain clueless even after movements like defund the police went main stream.
Numerous studies have concluded that masks do not stop the spread of the virus. 85% of all people who contract COVID wore masks most of the time (15%) or all the time (70%). However, you do not hear this from the media. What you hear is that if you do not wear a mask, you are irresponsible, you are putting lives at risk, you are selfish.
This seems to be my week for visiting historical parallels. Daniel Greenfield has written an article for Frontpage Mag that does an excellent job of drawing parallels between the current actions of the Democratic Party and their allies and totalitarian governments of the past. I will be drawing liberally from the article.
You can read the entire article here.
Of course, historical parallels need not be controlling of future events. But, there is danger in failing to learn from the lessons of history. It is best to be prepared. The lessons that we derive from historical events is a highly recommended first step in that preparation.
While walls, razor wire, and military encampments rise outside the halls of government, inside them the Democrats have unleashed a true coup. Protesters have “stormed” Congress before, from both the Left and the Right, which cannot be called overthrowing the government. But Democrats began their own overthrow by launching an unconstitutional post-office impeachment of President Trump for speaking at a peaceful protest and a push to remove Senate members who objected to the stolen election by abusing the 14th Amendment.
The fake emergency has been extended to March. The FBI continues falsely claiming that there is some sort of threat that requires 7,500 soldiers to conduct a military occupation of the nation’s capital. The FBI’s claims that this threat would occur during “First Amendment-protected protests” has a massive credibility problem because there have been no protests in D.C.