Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Coup D’etat, Part 2

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On Sunday night’s 60 Minutes Andrew McCabe tried to project that he was one of the good guys. He tried to say that he was just “doing his job” trying to protect the country when he “explored” options for removing PDJT from office in May, 2017.  This occurred just months after PDJT had taken office.

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Coup D’etat, Part 1

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Andrew McCabe, disgraced former FBI Deputy Director, admitted on national TV Sunday night that he and others were engaged in planning a coup d’etat in May of 2017.  This was not some conspiracy nut ruminating while imbibing some fruit of the vine. The person saying this was a former FBI Deputy Director who appeared to be sober.  Literally dozens of media outlets have used that word in their headlines.

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8 Days in May

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Breaking News…On a day when the new Attorney General William Barr was confirmed and sworn in, It has been reported on multiple news outlets that Andrew McCabe and others at the FBI and DOJ plotted to remove PDJT from office in May 0f 2017.  This info appears to have come from a 60 Minutes interview of Andrew McCabe with Scott Pelley.  This is reported to have occurred during the period of time between the firing of the “holier than thou” FBI Director James Comey and the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller by Rod Rosenstein.

Reports indicate that there were meetings at DOJ discussing whether the Vice President and a majority of the cabinet could be brought together to remove the president of the United States under the 25th Amendment.  The reasons given were PDJT’s firing of James Comey and the fact that supposedly PDJT was soft on Russia.

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The Border Wall

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Negotiations on a border wall continue.  Supposedly a deal has been reached.  It is not clear if real progress has been made.  The Democrats apparently dropped their proposal to limit the number of detained immigrants caught inside the U.S. to a daily average of 16,500.  There is currently no such limit.

This is insane.  That’s like saying that the number of people detained for murder, assault, robbery, rape, etc., in this country should be limited to a specific number each day.  Do the Democrats want to encourage more crime in America?  That is just what this proposal would do. Hopefully this was fake bargaining position so that they could say that they compromised their position.  However, I doubt this is the case.  The fact that such a position is ridiculous is irrelevant to them.

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Morality & The Border Wall

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Immigration is the seminal issue of our time.  When it comes to immigration, the distance between elite politicians in Washington and the common people is wider than the Grand Canyon. There are only a few people in Washington who are actually looking out for the people.  Fortunately for America and for liberty in general, one of them is PDJT.

The President hit the proverbial nail on the head when he said that controlling immigration is the moral thing to do.

Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, called the wall “immoral.”  So, apparently 72% of Americans are immoral for supporting the idea of a wall. ... 

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Immigration Hypocrisy

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The President’s State of the Union speech addressed many things.  One of the most important for the wellbeing of the country as a whole is the problem of illegal immigration on our southern border.  A transcript of that part of his speech is provided here below.

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The Circus Moves To Washington

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The circus moves to Washington.  During the 2018 campaign season the Democrats issued walking orders to their candidates to play down any talk of impeachment.  Polling showed that impeachment talk was a negative for the Democrats.  Supposedly they were going to govern, to bring civility back to Washington.

Of course, as soon as they won control of the House, those pretenses were dropped.  The public and country be damned.  Impeachment of PDJT is the #1 priority on their agenda.  It overrides any and all other considerations.  This is a key part of their campaign strategy for the run-up to the 2020 presidential campaign.

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The Circus Comes To Town

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The circus came to Fort Lauderdale, Florida on Friday.  As with all circuses there was a barker out there inviting people to see the mysteries within.  In this case the barker was CNN who had a “hunch” that there might be something newsworthy going on.  CNN flew a news crew down from Washington for this.  Because of a “hunch?”  It is amazing to watch these reporters spin these stories.  Clearly some people had advance knowledge communicated to them about what was going to happen.  The fact that CNN was on the receiving end of such info is telling in its own right.

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